things you should know

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Here are some thing you should of been taught by the time you become an adult

How too change a tire
How too change your oil
How too change a fuse or light on your car
How to do basic maintenance around the house at least
How too mow a lawn

I've met way too many men that don't know these basic skills because their fathers never taught them
Ok little tip for those of you that don't know some of this stuff and would like to learn, google and YouTube are great tools for learning

And some things your mother should of taught you

How to cook
How to clean properly (so someone else doesn't need to come along and fix up stuff)
Basic gardening at least

And at least one of them should of taught you about because schools don't userly cover this stuff
Or found someone else if they didn't know themselves

How to best spend your money
How to save your money
Basic banking at least
How to talk to the opposite sex in a respectful way
About safe sex and that it's not all about sex in a relationship
What a healthy relationship actually is
Respect for elders and authority figures
Basic camping skills at least
Basic survival skills
What to do if in a homeless type situation

Maybe even

Keeping an open mind when it comes to religion
About spirituality
About how to help others if they are going through a panic attack
Basic first aid
How to help and talk too people with disabilities

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