Raising the little Tengu girl

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When the hantengu clones went back to the infinity castle they quickly went to their room.They where all looking at her trying to come up with any ideas on how to raise a baby knowing that they don't know the first thing to do.

Zohakuten: So how do we raise a baby do you guys know?

Sekido: How the fuck are we supposed to know none of us had ever thought of taking care of a baby.💢💢

Urogi: So does anyone know who might know how to take care of a baby?

They were all in deep thought until Aizetsu spoke up.

Aizetsu: How about we talk to Upper Moon 1 he might know since he has lived longer than us.

Sekido: Mmm that is a good idea.

Zohakuten: Yeah but the only problem is what will he do to her and when Lord Muzan finds out about her.

As they were all thinking about that the baby Tengu was trying to get out of the basket.Urogi went and saw this and he smiled at how cute she was.

Urogi: Hey guys look look she's trying to get out of the basket.

They all went and turned to see how determined she was and how her cheeks were puffy.

Karaku:*laughing*yeah and look at her cute little cheeks they are puffy.

Karaku went and picked her up and put her on his lap she went and stared at him in curiosity then Karaku went and started to tickle her.


Clones mind•So adorable 😍•

Karaku then stopped and then put her on her stomach on the ground she was wiggling and then trying to use her little arm to push her up.

Aizetsu:Ok I think that we should go to Kokushibu and ask for help with her we can't let her starve because she probably won't eat human beings also she's a baby too.

Sekido: Your right Aizetsu we just have to hope nothing bad happens.

And so they put her in the basket again into which she wasn't happy with because she finally got out and being couped up in one spot didn't feel good.(Trust me I too had to stay in bed so much it didn't feel good 😔 anyway back to the story.) once they reached where Kokushibu's room is at they took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

Kokushibu:Who is it.

Sekido: It is the clones Lord Kokushibu may we come in we have something very important to ask you.

Kokushibu: You may enter.

As they opened the door they saw Kokushibu was reading a book and once they got into the room Karaku and Urogi made sure no one was listening to the conversation.Kokushibu was looking at them weirdly then his eyes landed on the basket that Aizetsu was holding.

Kokushibu: What is that you are holding I feel something strange coming from it.

Aizetsu:We need some help with this baby girl and how to raise her.

Urogi: Yeah you see Aizetsu went and found this sleeping baby Tengu in the middle of the night in the forest we didn't know where she came from but then since you know Tengu are demon we decided to do a test on her which by the way we freaked out about doing it she didn't get burned from the sun and then we decided to raise her as our little sister but we don't know how to do it so we wanted to ask you if you know how to raise a baby plus we also think that she wouldn't eat human beings.

Zohakuten: Yes indeed because you have lived longer than us so we thought that you would be the best option for help please if you could help us out we would be so grateful.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19 ⏰

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