//Prologue: Hard Times//

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It's a week into the winter. Your village is suffering greatly, and there seems to be bleak future ahead. Food was low, Water was low, everything was low. You step outside and sigh. "I'm doing what I can... but even the snow peak prowlers seem to be avoiding this place. Maybe they know something we don't." You wax on, looking around to see the village mostly bare. Any other time, it'd be chock a block with people and children wandering around going about their day. It could not get much worse than this.

Ever since a war that occured many years before you came to be, the kingdom of Dark Cacao has gradually pulled its support of the local villages and tribes away. The Coffee and Licorice tribes had themselves scattered, leaving their villages abandoned and desolate. But your people were stubborn, and ready to try and weather the coming storm. To your mind, however, it was clear that without cacaoin support the village would meet the same fate as the others. But actually getting that support would be a challenge in its own right.

While you were thinking of what to do for the village, the elder approaches you. "Y/N, my little one. I know you see our people's struggle and wish to help. While you are a very talented hunter, I believe there is a better way of help." He says, a rasp ever present to indicate his old age. You clear your throat and inquire "What do you mean? What could one cookie do for a whole village?"

Without a single word, the elder hands you a flier. It was most certainly an appealing option. "The Watchers of dark cacao are looking for new talent! Physically able cookies wanted, support for your villages guaranteed. Talk to your local recruiter today!" It said, with a drawing of a row of watchers at the bottom. Talk about being sold almost instantly. Maybe you'd even form new bonds with the watchers. "Gee, I uh... I dunno what to say." You said, concerned for your village as ever. "Don't say anything. We're a hardy people, we can survive without you. Get out there, and go do great things." The elder replied, happy to see one of his grandkids all excited for once.

The very next day, you had gathered what few belongings you truly had to yourself and left the village. Most people who you knew well wished you the best as you left for the recruiting station nearby. It took a short while of filling out paperwork, signing waivers and what not. It wasn't much issue, you more or less knew exactly what you would be getting into with this position. After that came the physical examination, which was a bit stressful. But you pulled through for a simple reason.

Given your task as one of the village's hunters, you obviously had to have the right kind of physique for that sort of demanding work. Your strength was top notch so that you could carry both your weapons and whatever you had managed to hunt and catch. In addition to that, you were also quite agile so that if prey ever ran away, you could easily catch up to it. All that coupled with a natural resistance to the biting cold of the Cacaoin lands, it was no wonder the recruiters were impressed.

"Well my friend... I'm proud to say you're A grade material. The watchers definitely need more people like you." One of them said, obviously enamored with the feats of strength and agility you had displayed. You shuffle around a bit and tell them "It comes with the village lifestyle. Speaking of which, I heard people who join up with the watchers have their villages supplied with whatever the kingdom can spare." "And you'd be right. We actually have quite a large number of surplus jellies with us, normal or bitter. Still, we understand why some villages don't try and send more recruits. The king's hardly making it easy for them, what with all the construction on the wall going on." The other recruiter piped up with, somberness filling his words as he spoke. "Anyway, if there's anything you need to do with your village, let us know-" The first recruiter tried to say before being cut off by you. "No, it's fine. I've said my goodbyes and wished them well as they struggle to survive the first parts of the winter."

"Good to hear that.  Your training will begin tomorrow, best follow my partner. And we'll have a crate of jellies sent to your village by week's end. Welcome to the watchers, Y/N. You'll do great things with us." The first recruiter said as you follow the second one to a building a fair distance away. After several minutes of traveling, the recruiter you followed says "Here you are. And uh word of advice: Get up early and do some exercising. It'll set you on the right foot for your instructors and set a good example for the rest of recruits." He then returns to his partner as you picked out a bed that was free and wasn't looking all nasty-like. So far, so good. Things were absolutely not going to get any easier, but it was better than watching your people starve as you could nothing about it. Now with your service to the cacaoin kingdom, there was a gleaming hope that the village would survive the winter. Things could only really go up from here, as you thought all these nice thoughts while drifting off into the recesses of slumber.

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