//Chapter 10: Keep your friends close...//

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You met with Orange Choco cookie. After that game of komi, he seemed a bit... distant. Not that he was any less amiable, far from it. Just that he didn't look like was particularly focused on his surroundings. On this day of your meeting, you sincerely ask him "Have you been reading something lately? You definitely look like something's gotten in your head." "Yeah, I've been reading. Reading about the signs of things that need to change, mostly. It's good right now, but I want it to be better." Orange Choco replied, taking a bite of his bitter jelly rations to keep his hands busy. You smile and tell him "Well hey, maybe it will start looking up soon. We just need to hold out for longer."

After a bit more back and forth, you decide to leave him. Today, you were not scheduled to do anything by your superiors and nobody really seemed to want to give you something to do. Rare that a watcher such as yourself gets a day off, rarer still they spend it doing something other than training. You figure that since you already train as part of your normal weekday routine, you can let just one day slide. After all, relaxation can be considered some kind of training as it keeps the mind from stressing so much.

As if by some impulse, your feet took you to the top of the black wall. The choco brick had held firm for hundreds of years, and would hold firm for another few hundred. For someone so young, it felt weird standing upon something so old. So beholden to countless others that have come before and who will come after. And who else would approach but Caramel Arrow cookie? You quickly stand up straight and say "Ah, pleasure seeing you here, Commander." "You flatter me, Y/N. Just Caramel Arrow or Caramel is fine, you need only call me that when in the presence of his majesty. Not that it's a very common occurrence." She replied, giggling a little at your slip of the tongue.

"Right, sorry. I didn't get any orders on my bed nor did either of you assign me anything. Guess we all need a day off, huh?" You said,  quietly shifting to looking out into the vast wilderness. Caramel arrow took up a spot next to you and stared right at the same spot. She comments "It all just sort of worked out like that. Ordinarily, the king wants all the watchers to be doing something with their time. But at times like these, when things are calm, watchers can find themselves with days off. What, were you not expecting having to come up with something to do today?" You chuckle a little at the remark she gave at the end and reply "I suppose so. Been trying to learn cards, and other such games. I've particularly taken a liking to the traditional game of Komi. Maybe we play a few rounds some day?" "I'd be up for it, Komi is a game of strategy after all, so the king won't get on our case if he finds me and you playing it. Some say the king invented the game, and I very much believe it based on how old dark cacao is." She tells you in response. 

A few moments later, you clap your hands and say "Well hey, great talk. Tomorrow, we have that game of Komi after our duties?" "Sounds wonderful, Y/N. I had a set for it made in my home village, I wish I could've brought it." Caramel Arrow replied, noticing you want to make a break for it. Indeed, you had other things to worry about. The advisor had requested your presence later today, and while you had your reservations about him you had to make it seem like you trusted him. Arriving to a small shrine, he was sat down with some of his disciples. They appeared to be conducting some kind of ritual, likely relating to the coffee tribe traditions Affogato had brought with him.

A few moments of just standing there, Affogato looked over his shoulder. He said "Ah, Y/N. I'm glad you could make it, we were just finishing up our prayer to the dragons." "So I can see. Looks like it's important to you." You reply, bowing in respect of his position. The advisor gestured for you to take a seat as his disciples brought out a chair. You take it and he starts speaking again. "I must say, you're quite the handful. Hardly a day goes by where I don't see or hear about you." He continues on, picking up a small metal tube and taking a breath in before breathing out purple smoke. "Well, I try not to make such a fuss especially for someone as busy as you, Advisor. My apologies." You say, embarrassed by the potential of distracted affogato from his work so much. "No no, it's fine. I must say, it gets rather boring around here. Which is why I have a proposal for you. It's not ready yet, but when the time comes I ask that you consider it. Think of it like... working in a more focused manner." He clarifies, setting the metal tube down and gesturing to his disciples to clean up the shrine. You get up and tell him "I'll... consider it. But until I know more, I don't have a definitive answer." He nods and you leave to get some food.

Out of your hearing range, Affogato noted "This one is even more gullible than the king. Our plans will go into action soon, and they're to thank." The disciples of his heartily agreed, with shared chuckles between them showing their true colors. 

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