//Chapter 8: Where do the Foxes Sleep?//

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Dark Cacao had recently ordered that action be taken against these bandit clans. Despite their failed attack on the citadel, they hadn't lost an ounce of boldness. If anything, they had only gotten bolder. Their galvanized spirits were something to be respected, proud of even. In the face of failure, they not only find the strength to keep going but also to keep doing it harder. However worthy a foe, they are still a threat that are actively disrupting the goings on of the kingdom. And that just could not stand, especially after thinking they could get away without retribution for the attack on the citadel.

And the advisor had devised a plan for just that, from what you were told. He had a few watchers go out and gather some information. Mostly on where the bandits seemed to be clustered up, which would inform you all of where to go next. But it seems something went astray, as Affogato approached you for another mission. "Y/N, dear. I have an urgent request, no one can know about it." He said, taking you behind a pillar to discuss further. You cough and say "Say no more. What's the situation?" "I had some of our watchers go out for information... But they were ambushed, and the collected information was lost in the confusion. Now bandits are actively looking for it and we need to do something before they get their hands on it and destroy it. Hurry, before they do." He tells you, obviously very worried. You nod, he hands you a piece of paper with the watcher's route on it, and you set off.

Just before you leave once again, you run into caramel arrow. You wave her over and ask "Hey, Commander-" No need for formalities, Y/N. We're all this kingdom together as equals." She tells you, giving a chipper smirk as she stands up. You blush, clear your throat, and say "Right right, anyway. Apparently, a few of our watchers have gone missing getting information to stop the bandits and I've been tasked to retrieve it." "That is most unusual... A few watchers have been late to check in from their scheduled patrols. Thank you for telling me about this retrieval mission. I shall accompany you, because a lone wolf is usually dead without knowing it." She replied quickly with, quickly grabbing her dual blades. Looks like it was a team-up mission, not that it was a bad thing. You fill her in on what affogato had told you, and the route in particular. "That's odd. This route is in bandit territory right on a main road. They were just asking to get ambushed. Now I want to investigate further, something isn't adding up." She tells you when you finishing showing her the map.

A couple hours later, and you two are in the region that you think was most likely for the ambush. The information would likely be here, where could not be exactly determined. The sight of fires, large and small, indicated the presence of bandits. The wind was particularly loud and howling, so your footstep sounds would be unnoticed. "Lovely day for sneaking around. Those files have got to be here somewhere, so let's split up. Meet back here if we find anything. I'll take the eastern portion, near the river. You take the west side, by the mountain." Caramel Arrow told you, fusing her blades to create a bow. You nod yes and you two go your ways to find that information. Many villages would be counting on this information so you had to move.

Dodging around some patrols, you come to a small bandit guard post. It was just a few tents, lanterns, and a fire in the middle of a forest. 2 bandits were discussing something and you decide to listen in. Taking up a post behind a nearby tree, you hear them say "You hear about that deal? Crazy stuff." "Not crazy. People have done this sort of thing before in history." "Not like this, though. Turning your back on a warrior kingdom..." "Hey, we're doing the same thing but just more bluntly." "I guess... So when are we gonna start beating on our little captive?" "Soon enough, as quick as Choco powder gets off his ass and burns those files."

Hearing enough, you spring into action. The 2 bandits had no chance as you cut them down like flowers meeting a snow rabbit in the spring. Quickly a third opponent goes to attack, this one all too familiar. "You again! I grow tired of meeting like this." The bandit leader from the hideout says, brandishing his axe as you dodge it with grace. "Then quit this lifestyle. It's bad for your health anyway." You retort, taking a defensive stance to see what he'll do. He laughs at you before stating "Not a chance, sparky! Especially with what I've been promised, I intend to collect!"

He leaps at you with all his might, swinging his axe in a wide arc. You narrowly duck under, part of your dough kissed by the touch of hard sugar steel as the swing continues and cleaves right through a tree. You retaliate with a quick series of stabs, poking the gaps in his shoddily made armor. He replies to this series of sharp inquires with a blunt backhand, knocking you down. He goes to finish you off but you dodge out of the way, rise to your feet, and retaliate again with a slash. He whips around and tries to cleave you in two again. You block the strike just barely, surprising him as you leap forward and slash his back to leave him down for the count.

"Agh... No... Beaten by some kid..." he laments as he begins to crawl away. You could've finished him here but it was clear he was trying to retreat. And killing a foe trying to get away wasn't very much like a watcher. "I'm 22, I'll have you know. Tell me, where did you stash the information you stole?" You retort somewhat angrily, quickly grabbing one of his legs. "Information?! Ha, you don't even know the half of it! But if you want those files so bad, it's up in our base camp a little ways north. Now get off!" he shouts as he shakes you off and rises to his feet to retreat once again. "This won't be the last time you hear about Taffy Belt Cookie!"

An interesting name. Not a good name, but an interesting name. Whatever the case, you set off for the base camp. It's clearly just a bigger guard post, because it's another series of tents, campfires and lanterns. Then again, it did have a lot of bandits within so you carefully make your way through. Eventually, you come to a larger tent and find what looks to be the files you were sent after. The top file read as a coded exchange between two parties... Wait, that can't be right. This was supposed to be information that spelt the end of the bandit clans. Yet it was marked with an official cacaoin seal, likely from a habit someone had. Something was not right, so you decide to instead keep the files for yourself instead of handing it off to affogato. 

You also find a prisoner in the tent as he weakly groans when you finish putting away the files. You got a closer look at him and instantly recognized him. His name was really long, and his preferred tactic was ambush using natural flora. This earned him the convenient nickname of "Fox". You were not about to let a fellow soldier die so you hoist him over your shoulders as take him with you as you slip out undetected.

As you go, Fox begins speaking again. "Y/N... I... Who put you up to this... The advisor? Something's wrong with him... I saw one of his people and a few other watchers conversing freely with the bandits in between my beatings... Maybe he doesn't know there's a traitor... We gotta find who it is... before they leak something big and ruin the whole kingdom..." He muttered on and on as you made your way back to the rendezvous with caramel arrow. Needless to say, she was quite shocked to see Fox all battered and beaten. You assure her that despite his injuries, he would live and be mostly fine. "Good to know. Any luck finding those files? I found only guard posts and idiot bandits." She was quick to note, kicking a small rock in frustration. "I did as a matter of fact. Only it was not information for beating bandits, it looks like a conversation between two groups about... something. I can't quite tell but it's marked with an official Cacao Kingdom seal. Someone's not our side..." You reply, highly suspicious of many you knew. Caramel Arrow merely looked down and said "I've had a hunch someone might've turned traitor... It's gotta be someone relatively high in the system... but that could be a lot of people... I'll take the files, you tell affogato the files must've fallen into a river or something. Oh and get Fox there a doctor." She grabs the files out of your bag and you two head back to the citadel. What a day it has been, hasn't it Y/N?

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