//Chapter 16: Is it really that time again?//

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Preparations were nearly complete. Clever use of your forces had misdirected affogato and his ilk, making them think you had retreated and spread into the further reaches of the kingdom. This meant that the majority of his force was spread thin across the entire region. Perfect for a precision attack on the citadel. This strike with your small mobile force would be fast and would be deadly. All or nothing, an ending to things as it were. In one way or another, all the people you had met along your journey knew this. Even affogato, he could just feel the tension from the comfort of the throne that was not his.

And yet, as the tenth hour came upon this scheme, as the winter chill began to subside and fade, you had personal business to resolve. Someone who had stabbed you in the back, someone who had broken the watcher oath. Your former friend, Orange Choco Cookie. It wasn't going to be easy fighting him, he was as skilled as you were and had plenty of experience fighting his fellow watchers for practice. But you had confidence you were going to win. Yet, it still didn't feel right on the inside. He may have betrayed the Oath and one of the core tenants of a watcher, but he was still your friend in some way. He was still that brother in arms you had trained in the same camp with to get where you were now.

And yet, as you sit within an empty field and ponder these thoughts, you knew mercy was off the table. Neither you nor Choco Orange were willing to yield on your principles and capture simply wasn't going to happen. A duel to the death, a custom that dates back to the very beginnings of the kingdom itself. Seemed he knew this truth as well when he had arrived. "So. Finally decided to stop running like a rat and die like an honorable warrior?" He commented dryly, perhaps trying to invoke your anger. You remained steadfast and said to him "As if you are any better, traitor. People have suffered because of the cookie you serve, the ideals you support." "But are you certain that your way is better?" Orange Choco retorted curtly. "No. But what I know is that I will not let affogato reign." You reply.

You heaved a weary sigh and solemnly say "I miss the people we were before all this. When we were two friends serving our king dutifully." It seemed this touched Orange Choco as well. He sunk his head and merely said "Me too, Y/N. Me Too." A moment of silence passes, the only sound present being the chill winds of the winter. In a single instant, you draw your katana at lightning speed as Orange Choco readies his spear. The two of you lock eyes, there was only one way this could end and any attempt to change course now was simply admission of defeat. And defeat is not on the cards today.

Instantly, he rushes you down with a two handed charge. An expected technique but what he plans to do at the end, as he will either go for a thrust or whip around for a wide arcing slash. You focus and when he nears you, he prepares his attack. You take a guess and assume he's going for a thrust and dodge to the side. You guessed correctly as his weighty stick flies past you, netting you a free few hits on Orange Choco's Side. He quickly adjusts and clocks you in the face with his fist before thrusting again. It cuts you on the arm and the wound burns but you don't have time for pain.

You decide to go on the offensive and start aggressively pushing him. Spears are more defensive than your katana so the difference might be enough. A thwack from the blunt end of the spear disproved that followed by another attempted thrust. In a blood frenzy, you take a shot at Orange Choco's leg and slash it wide open. Even if he lives today, he'll bleed out before long. He slashes you across the chest in retaliation, a small metal plate being the only reason you aren't bleeding profusely. This guy was certainly on your level at least. But you had no other option to prove you were better.

You block more of his attacks and counter when you think you're able. Trading hits wasn't going to win you a battle, and another set of thrusts meant you couldn't take much more. Time for something drastic. You leap backwards, and snap to stance that indicated you were likely going for a running stab. You quickly begin charging at orange choco, as he does to you as you both roar in glorious bloodlust. Now was the moment of truth, will he see through your bluff?


It worked. You quickly shift your stance and make a wide slash at Orange Choco's unguarded chest. He's knocked out of his charge, giving you enough time to strike him with the hilt of your blade before you plunge your katana straight through his chest. It's. Over. Everything hurt, your arms, your legs, your mind, your soul. Why did it have to be this way? Your panting could barely be heard over your own beating heart as it gave it's all to ensure you continued forward.

It was then that Orange Choco spoke up. "Ugh... Got me good... I thought I was better..." He said through fits of bloody coughs. He grabbed onto your shoulder, he had some last words before the end. He spoke again, saying "I'd say you're right in all this... but it's not over yet... Affogato still awaits..." Looks like he was a believer in the idea that might makes right. Perhaps there was some merit to it, perhaps not. Still though, you couldn't help but be sad. Your friend was about to die, and you had to kill him. "Orange Choco... I wish things could be different. I wish we could stay friends." You solemnly say. Orange Choco sighs and says "Me too... but we both knew it had to end this way... Now do it... let me die like a warrior." You place your hand on his back, and the slightest smile formed on his face. One last hug before the end.

After the quick embrace, you quickly and decisively yank the katana right out of him. He didn't even scream or cry out in pain as he died. As you stand before Orange Choco's body, Caramel Arrow comes forth. Seems she had figured you had gone out to do something but didn't know this was what that was. Before she chastises you for taking a risk, you shoot her a look and say "I'm sorry... Caramel Arrow..." "For what?" She replied, curious what you meant. You look down at Orange Choco and quietly say "There was no other way. He had to die. And now Affogato must die as well, for it's him that took my friend from me." You pick up Orange Choco's spear, your way of remembering him. And Caramel Arrow places her hand on your shoulder and says "I can see that. We'll make sure that he pays for what he's done. He won't leave that citadel alive, I am sure of it."

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