//Chapter 6: C2W//

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Seemed that your actions had further consequences than expected. The act of disrupting that hideout sent waves of uproar across the kingdom, a chain reaction that would spur the marauders of the snow-laden land to become emboldened and brash. Today though would be vastly different. Today, they would commence their boldest and perhaps dumbest move yet.

The Black Citadel had not been the victim of an enemy army in centuries, a testament to its imposing nature and masterwork construction. What then does that make the various bandit clans for attacking it in such a frenzied but coordinated way? Whatever the case may be, you were indirectly responsible for this so it's off to the frontlines you go in order sort this out.

Caramel Arrow was already atop the citadel walls, ordering the second watcher to lead the many archers stationed here. You had already made your way to the wall after the report of the first wave of bandits attacking. Instantly noticing your presence, she calls to you and says "Y/N, finally you're here. The king is away on diplomatic affairs and this is our prize?" "We're not taking this prize laying down. What's the plan, Miss? You're the boss after all." You reply, hand firmly on your katana's grip, ready for another wave of attackers. "You, Me, and Orange Choco are gonna lead a small attack force behind enemy lines. Seems they've got a few of their top people running this attack, and without them the disorganized nature of the bandit clans means they'll scatter into the wilderness pretty quick." Caramel Arrow replied, forming her two blades into a magnificent bow. Definitely the kind of weapon you'd see in a battle and instantly gain the resolve to keep fighting.

After meeting up with Orange Choco, Caramel Arrow goes over the plan one more time just to refresh everyone. She finishes just in time, as another bandit wave makes itself known and fighting heats right up. The citadel defenders would hold against this wave and any that followed it but you had to work quickly lest losses start mounting up. The fighting is so intense, the first part of sneaking past is the most difficult. You 3 barely make it a thousand feet without already having to eliminate at least 4 stray bandits each. The rush of battle also seemed to make the bandits more capable fighters, as Orange Choco nearly took a fatal chop to the neck by one of the bandits attacking him. Lucky for him, you stepped in and countered with a neck slice of your own.

After some more fighting, you three make it past the major fighting and into the bandit's Backline. Many massed fighters were there, ready to charge in as the next wave. It was strange though, they seemed to lack the kind of warriors or equipment for a proper siege. And while they were disorganized, bandits are opportunistic and will only do something when they know it'll get the desired result. Something was not right here, but it didn't matter. You heard the familiar voice of the hideout leader stating "Oh, they'll be here alright. I'm counting on it, whether they get captured or come here themselves doesn't matter." It was clear he was talking about, in all your brash glory. You gestured that you would be going after him, with Caramel Arrow giving a confirming nod and Orange Choco muttering something under his breath.

The three of you charge forward as the next bandit wave goes through. In the brief moment of time before making proper contact with your target, you get a good look at him. His armor is anything but masterfully made like your's was. It and his weapon of choice, a battleaxe, were very scrapily made. Like he had to use whatever he could find to muster up proper battle equipment. Cobbled together though it may be, it was undeniably effective. Your first strike glances off one of the armor plates and you two quickly lock blades. "Ah, it's you again. Y/N, is it? Yeah that's right, I've done my research. You'd be surprised how easy it is to make a warrior like you squeak like a snow rabbit!" He snarkily says, throwing you off to begin the duel proper.

You try to attack again, this time aiming for the arm. He swerves out of the way and goes for an attack himself. It slashes your arm and his follow through is narrowly blocked by your katana. Whoever he was, his combat prowess is not to be underestimated. You back up, trying to trick him into an attack. He falls for the bait, and as he goes for another swing at you, you stab him in a chink in his armor. You quickly follow up with a slash to his arm, revenge for his attack on you. He soon recovers and in a rage, throws aside his weapon and charges right at you. He pins you to the ground and begins to pummel you.

Caramel Arrow quickly saved your behind as an arrow of hers found it's way into the hideout leader's side. This threw him off you, and you both saw that Caramel Arrow and Orange Choco had defeated their targets with some difficulty. "Ugh, Fine. Boys, we're leaving! We did what came here to do anyway." The hideout leader says, quickly throwing a smoke bomb to cover his escape. You make a motion to go after him but Orange Choco stops you. "Y/N, the bandits are retreating. There is no need to chase them down, not right now at least." He says, trying to prevent you from doing something stupid again. "You're... You're right, yeah. I get the feeling I've made a rival for life in just 2 encounters though." You reply, sheathing your blade while quickly taking some wrapping to bandage the rather nasty cut the hideout leader gave you. You had been one of the premier recruits to come out of the watcher training, so it was likely that the leader was just that good at combat.

"Go on back, Orange Choco. I'll help out Y/N." Caramel Arrow said, with Orange Choco giving a thumbs up and leaving. "Hey hey, you're doing it wrong. You gotta make sure you tie that thing tight around the wound so it stops the bleeding. " She says as she shows you to properly tend to cuts like that. You notice that she was sitting down the whole time despite you standing up. Another look revealed that unbeknownst to you or orange choco, her target had dislocated her ankle. After she finishes with your injury, you tell her "Hey, I noticed your leg. My village's had a few incidents like this, so let me." She nods and closes her eyes. You place your hands on her foot and in a single motion, snap the ankle back into place in an instant. The crack was very audible and she winced a bit, testament to how painful fixing an injury like that is. "Thanks, Y/N. You may have your quirks when it comes to picking fights, but you're definitely a help." She tells you, standing up without putting too much pressure on her leg. "It's nothing. Just looking out for my sister in arms is all." You quickly reply as the two of you make your way back to the citadel. 

"I must say Y/N, you're a very unique individual. The Second Watcher may not have known that but you've got some real good potential. You just need someone to properly hone that potential into fighting skill." Caramel Arrow stated, picking a stick up off the ground.  You rightfully ask"What, are you offering to be my mentor?" "Not exactly, more a counselor. Someone to guide you rather than instruct you. After all, independence is an important of being a watcher. And besides, I really think you and I work well together." Caramel Arrow Explained, quickly waving the two of you in. Your curiosity makes you say "You really think so? Guess I've been living under a rock this whole time. Still though, I accept your offer. Maybe you have something for me tomorrow?" "Of course, Y/N. That said... Friends?" Caramel Arrow replied, holding her hand in front of her for a handshake. You accept the gesture. "Friends. Yes, I like the sound of that."

Now with that all out of the way, I think it's time for the next part of the tale of the dragonchild. Truthfully, the first part is the context through which the rest of the tale is built upon. Now, let's see what truly happens, shall we?

"This spawn, this entity, would take the shape of a formless blob. Its colors, a bright white like fresh-fallen snow and a deep black like the rocks that the snow lay upon. The blob knew not of what the world was like, it could not see, hear, smell, or taste. It could only feel, and what it felt was the biting cold of the land's blizzards. In its bid to make this painful feeling stop, the spawn would unknowingly emit a sound akin to that of a humble snow rabbit."

"This sound would attract the attention of an old cookie who lived in a cave. In this period of time, he had lived a far longer life than your average cookie. But this age made his dough stiff and his senses diminished. Yet, he could not resist investigating the cry of something that was in pain and needed help. When he set his eyes upon the spawn, he did not know what to think except that it might be a hallucination. After a brief moment of making sure it was in-fact real, he was speechless. Something like this had never been seen before."

"But that didn't matter. The spawn would fall to the biting frost of the blizzard if the old man did not do something. So he took the spawn and carried it to his home. The spawn felt strange again. No longer were they only feeling the bitter cold, now they felt something safe and protecting. The warmth was given by the old man as he made his way back to his home in the mountain cave he had been living in for so long. The spawn could only think to cease its wailing as the warmth gave it comfort and relaxation away from the bitter cold. The old man did not care what this thing was, he would nurture and protect it as if it were his own child."

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