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Its Y/Ns first day in her college While she keeps walking She Suddenly bumped into someone
?:you bitch don't you know how to walk!
And he slapped her
?: Early in the morning my day is already destroyed
YN could stand this anymore and slapped Him
YN: Who do you think you are you bastard
And she walked away
? though: you made a big mistake sweetheart I will not let you go You will be MINE!

Time skip
YN is inside her classroom

Suddenly the door got opened everyones eyes widen and even the teachers
Teacher: Jungkook Why are you here?
When you heard Jungkook your eyes widen That is the boy you slapped this morning
YN though: wait isn't Jungkook the name Of the Mafia King JEON JUNGKOOK
Jungkook walked to YN and sat beside her
Jungkook: sweetheart I was looking for you
He said while caressing her cheeks Suddenly YN jerked his hand and whispered
YN: what are you doing her?
Jungkook: I came looking for you sweetheart I missed you and give me your phone
YN: Why?
Jungkook: don't ask sweetheart give me your phone before I get angry!
YN was afraid of him so she gave her phone to him
Jungkook: good girl if I call you answer my calls and Text ok if not you will get punished YN Just nodded her head
Jungkook: sweetheart I will be going now I will wait outside your classroom ok come to me or you will get punished ok?
YN nodded her head since she was afraid
Jungkook: words sweetheart i need words!
YN: Yes
And Jungkook left then

Hi guys this is my first story that I wrote at the age of 14 hope you enjoyed it see you soon

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