Part 7

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JK: YN you remember your uncle Jeon from your childhood??

YN:Yes what does he has to do with it?

JK: actually he was my father you may not remembered me but I am your kookie

YN:wh..a..t. b..ut how *crying

JK: before you were born our parents decided to get us engaged after you born, that's why me and you were engaged before our marriage.But unfortunately I had to leave for US for me Mafia training since I was the next Mafia king after my father,and my training needed 15 yrs and after my training was done I inherited my father's thrown I got very busy with work then when I was 20 I came back to Korea but then I got to know that your father left the Mafia that's why it wasn't easy finding you and even after I would have found you my enemy's would make use of you that's why I needed 3 yrs to destroy all my enemy's and then when I was 23 I found your location after a years and immediately signed up in your school too meet you

YN: so y.ou a.rre myy Ko..kie??


Suddenly Yn started hitting JK in his chest

YN: Why didn't you told me sooner???? you know how angry mad and sad I am right now??

JK: because I wasn't sure if you would believe what I say since you hated Mr

Yn: I never hated you it was just all unexpected and fast

JK: I am sorry my love

YN: promise me that next time you will share everything with me

JK: ok my love I promise not time I will share everything with you

after a long crying session yn and JK decided to go to their bed room and get some sleep

JK: good night my love sleep well

YN:you too good night JK

And both of them slept cuddling with each other

*To be continued

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