part 4

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Jungkook came inside their bed room
and stared at her

JK: are you ready for our Wedding night wifey *smirk*

YN: No pls I don't want to do this

YN was crying while JK smirked looking at her

JK: come on dont ruin our wedding night let's enjoy it

YN: NOOOOOO I don't pls don't rape me I am begging you please dont rape me

JK started taking off his shirt and came closer to her

JK: come let's enjoy our wedding night

Author: JK raped her I don't wanna write smut you guys can imagine it yourself

Time skip
Yn woke up with pain in her legs and started crying. After a while she went to take a Show and went downstairs,
But she heard screaming in a room which was probably JK office room

Girl: JK you promise to marry me how could you marry some random whore

JK: watch your mouth Tzuyu if you dare to say another bad thing about my wife i will fucking kill you,the only whore here is you and I never said I will marry it's just yours and you delusional Father wish

Tzuyu: JK I loved you since years I am the daughter of the 2nd biggest CEO in the business world we are a perfect match how could you I will tell my father to stop your collaboration with him you will lose millions of Dollar

JK: do it I don't give a fuck and you said lose millions of Dollars? Bitch I am a multi billionnair I am The Mafia king and biggest business man you are nothing infront of me

YN heard their conversation and was very confused. She decided to go in and ask what was going on

YN: what are you guys talking about ???

JK and Tzuyu turned around Tzuyu was confused who it was but suddenly JK went to her and kissed her lips

JK: wifey did you miss me that you came here awwww I also missed you babe

Tzuyu: oh so you are that whore that seduced my JK. JK just look at me and that whore I am ten times more beautiful and worth you than her


Jk Suddenly called the guard and they entered the office room

JK: Kick that bitch out of my House and never let her in again

Tzuyu: No JK I love you pls don't do this

But no one listened to her and the guards kicked her out of JK mansion

*To be continued

This is my longest chapter till now I am so proud of my self💜

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