Part 2

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Time skip
Class was over and YN packed her thing
and went out just too see Jungkook
Jungkook Suddenly dragged he in an empty Classroom and put her on one of
the desk and got inside her tights

Jungkook: YN kiss me baby
YN: nooooo
Jungkook if you don't do i will fuck you your decision i give you 10 seconds to decide
YN: Jungkook no I will not do it
Jungkook: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
YN: Ok stop Don't fuck me
Jungkook: good girl now kiss me
Since YN was afraid of Jungkook she just kissed him for 3 sec and backed away fast
Jungkook: kiss me till I am satisfied or I will fuck you
YM was afraid and just nodded her head
Jungkook:come and sit on my lap
YN: No I will just do it here
Jungkook: I said SIT ON MY LAP
YN was now afraid and sit on his lap
Jungkook: Not like this koala style babe
YN put her hand around his neck and put her Leg behind his back and Sat on his lap like a koala
Jungkook: good babe now kiss me
YN did what ye said and kissed him and
Jungkook put his tongue inside YN mouth
and kissed her roughly YN could not
match his speed and Jungkook started to
carresing her ass

Time skip to One Hour
Jungkook And YN were still kissing each
other but YN was very tired and spoke
between the kiss and said
YN: Jungkook pls stop i am tired
Jungkook opened his eyes and looked at
her while kissing her and thought for a
while Jungkook backed away and put her head on his chest and said
Jungkook: sleep well sweetheart once you
will wake up your new life will start slowly
YN fall asleep

Time skip
YN woke up and found her self in a unfamiliar room
YN: where am I? Fuck Jungkook brought me here
Suddenly the door opened revealing Jungkook
Jungkook : Sweetheart you woke up?
YN: where am I!?
Jungkook: at our house sweetheart where no one will find us in my property
YN: What do you want from me?????
Jungkook: fine lest get to the point I am obsessed with you and we will get married in one week!
YN:WHAAAATTTTT NOOOOO I don't want to marry you!!!
Jungkook:babe I didn't ask you I informed you so prepared yourself for our weeding

And with that Jungkook left her alone crying because of her poor fate

So First of all HI GUYS this is a story I wrote at the age of 14 and I though of publishing this story pls don't mind my mistakes cause English isn't my first language and hope you enjoy the story I will try to upload once in a week so see you guys again in next week

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