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     "There it is boys, barely even scratched," Rob said, relieved.

     "Not much activity," George muttered.

     "If they were fast enough, they are in their bunkers."

     "Exactly John," said Rob.

* * *

     "Where are we?"

     "Well look who's awake," George said with a chuckle.

     John pointed towards the horizon, "You see that? That's the      Washington Monument. We've reached the capital Beth."

     Even with his helmet on I could tell he was smiling, he was    happy we made it, we were all happy, safety was just a step away.

     We travelled down the road for a few more hours until we reached the White House. There were piles of body bags, just like the ones they used for Bethany and the others. So many of those monsters were piled up in the streets around the gate.

      "We may have a shot," Rob paused, "these bodies look fresh."

     "I'd say two days."

     "I'm with John, three days tops," George added.

     "George, you and the synthetics stay here and keep Beth safe. John and I will circle around and look for any other ways to get in."

     "Yes sir."

     Rob and John went around the building, it was walled off all the way around.

     "George, get her over the gate, we have company," Rob shouted as they turned the corner.

     He tossed me as soft as he could to safety. Z, One and H lined up with Rob, George and John as a wave of the Turned rushed the corner and attacked.

     They held them off for a while but too many of those things showed up. Z was pinned down, H was surrounded and poor One had been torn apart.

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