𝑳𝑿𝑰𝑰 - 𝑷𝒓𝒆𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔

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「𝑶𝒍𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒂'𝒔 𝒑𝒐𝒗」

Weeks had gone by... we were nearing the beginning of the tour. Actually, I'm pretty sure we were leaving tomorrow morning. My things for the tour were already packed, and I was ready to leave. Sodo, on the other hand... well, he was probably going to wait last minute as it seemed like he was doing that right now. I was sitting on his bed as he looked through his room, throwing random clothes into his suitcase.

« Sodo, you can't just throw your clothes in there... » I said as I looked at him walking around his room.

« Why not? It's faster this way. » He said as he yanked a pair of different socks with holes in his suitcase.

I sighed loudly and took out the socks and... well everything.

« It takes up more space... » I said before I started to fold his shirts and then placed them inside.

I folded his shirts, then his pants, and placed his other stuff so that he would have some space remaining for what he hadn't put inside yet. I continued doing that with each thing that he put in it as he just threw them mindlessly inside the suitcase.

« You have to take your time and place everything so that you still have some space inside after you put the first things... it's simple, really. » I explained, but Sodo didn't really seem to be listening.

He was simply nodding as he looked around his room. « What are you looking for anyway? » I asked curiously.

Sodo let out a small chuckle. « Something. » He simply said.

I playfully rolled my eyes. « Of course you are... » I said under my breath as I walked over to him.

« I'm gonna go back upstairs now, see you later. » I then said to him, kissing his cheek before heading back upstairs, hearing a quiet 'see you later' come out of Sodo's mouth.

Once upstairs, I ran into Phantom, who seemed a little stressed out. Concerned, I decided to ask him if everything was alright.

« Phantom, are you okay? » I asked.

He stopped walking and turned to look at me, giving me a nervous smile. « Not really... » He answered.

« What's going on? » I asked him, tilting my head slightly.

« Well... we're leaving for the tour tomorrow, but... I was too shy to admit that I didn't know how to play Year Zero correctly! Now I don't know how to tell Copia... » Phantom said quietly.

« Ah... you know what? How about I show you? Im pretty sure that if we work hard enough, you'll be able to play it perfectly! » I said confidently.

« Seriously? You have the time for that...? » Phantom asked.

I nodded, smiling at him. « My stuff is all ready for tomorrow. I've got the whole day! » I said.

Phantom smiled at me. « Thank you so much! Do we start now? » He asked.

« Of course we can! » I said before we headed towards the music room where our guitars were.

Once in the music room, we both plugged our guitars in the amp and sat somewhere. I noticed that Phantom had the same guitar as Aether, which reminded me of him. I took all the time that Phantom needed to learn the song, not caring if it would take up my whole day. Helping a friend was something I liked to do... even if it made a little someone jealous when those friends were guys as well...


Guys, omfg, I'm so sorry for not posting new chapters for so long, I had absolutely no motivation and genuinely forgot that I even had Wattpad 😭😭 Happy late new year, though 😦

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