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𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐝𝐢𝐝 𝐈 𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐮𝐩 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧? It's lunch this time. Outside at this cute little beach cafe, not a soul in sight, except the 3 workers inside. We're having pastries and coffee and I just want to know how I ended up here.

Jeremiah is in a t-shirt, swim-shorts, and sunglasses, nonchalant as ever. I can't decide if all I want right now is to be with him again, be with him again, or never see him again. 

"Ken Ken," he said and I snapped out of my zoning out to look at him. Woah his freckles– fuck I'm already distracted. 

"I really don't-"

"I know. We do have to talk about it at some point, I say we do it now so that we've preemptively had this conversation before anything else happens," he added on and I sighed. 

"Fine, where do we start? I'm not listening to your apology speech again," I said and Jer rolled his eyes humorously. 

"Okay angel, so why'd you kiss me then?" Jeremiah asked teasingly.

"It felt like the right–or at least a decent–decision in the moment. Wanna file a complaint?" I asked and he shook his head. 

"A request, maybe a bad review so you have to do it again," the boy commented and I flipped him off. "Okay no, but on a more serious note, what do you want to do? We broke the rules we made last time so I'm not entirely sure we're fit to try that again."

"Yeah you have a point. I-" fuck I'm gonna regret this "Maybe we take it slow?" I asked and immediately regretted it. 

I've never seen someone's features light up more than I watched Jeremiah Fisher's in that moment. His eyes widened, he sat up straighter, his whole presence felt lighter, and it was like he had been dipped in gold. And in 3 seconds it was like everything he'd ever done had been taken out with the sea, and it was only this moment left.

Neither of us said anything and I watched him reach up to his necklace and unclasp the chain. I let myself sit in the anticipation of what he was doing, feeling adrenaline start to spark through my bloodstream. He took off the chain and I finally noticed what he'd done. The original promise rings had been strung onto it, and he wore them without me ever noticing. How did I never notice that?

We still hadn't spoken and he picked up my ring, offering it in his palm that faced the sky, a silent offer. I knew what it meant. I know how much this means, yet somehow it's a no brainer to me. 

My hand reaches to meet his in the middle of the table and hold onto it, the ring indenting into both our palms. I finally looked up from our hands and up to him. 

His blue eyes were already trained on me, more vibrant than I've seen them in a while, and a smile seemed like it would never leave his face. I'm still stuck in a sort of trance. I mean I know what I've agreed to, I know it's what my heart wants, but was this the right thing to do? Am I going to be okay if something happens? Am I wanting to risk this again? 

Yeah I think I will. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'm weak when it comes to Jeremiah Fisher. 

I want to be comforted, I want the security he brings, the love I get, the affirmation, attention, care, joy, the hugs, his presence, and honestly I want to do that for him again. I miss the swift conversation, the constant teasing, how easy everything–before the fighting obviously–was. I just want Jeremiah Fisher. 

Holy shit I have Jeremiah again.

And like a switch flipped in my head at the realization, my shoulders got lighter, the sun got brighter, my hands felt real again, the world seemed to slow down. The feeling of his hand on mine echoed through my whole body and I felt like I was shocked back into existence. It was weird and a little scary, honestly, that this is how much Jeremiah Fisher means to me. This is the impact he has on me. 

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