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As soon as Richie pulled up the car, Becky rushed out of the car and went inside their house. I wanted to call her but I managed to stop myself, she asked for some time and space after all and I want to give that to her. Richie and I were not able to do anything but watch her go. "She hates me now" I stated and Richie immediately turned to face me. "She doesn't hate you" he said and I know that he's only trying to make me feel better.

"I really messed up" I uttered as I lower my head and slump my back on the car seat. "I really should have told her from the very start" I added in a low voice. "I'm sure it will be ok" Richie replied "You know her, she's way too fond of you to ever hate you" he added "You heard her, she just needs some time for herself and get her thoughts in order. This is really a big shock to her after all" he explained and I know that what he's saying is true.

"I hope she'll be able to forgive me" I said "It would be even better if she does so before I leave" I added as I look up and finally saw the sympathetic look that Richie has on her face right now. "Don't worry too much about it, she's simply shaken from the sudden news of you leaving, she really is very fond of you, you know?" he said and I can only smile at him weakly.

"Go ahead and head back home, take it easy and get a good night's rest. I'm sure tomorrow will be better and Becky will have a clearer mind than tonight" he suggested and I simply agreed, not really having the energy to talk back anymore. I alight the vehicle without a moment of hesitation and made my way to our house next door, walked through the lawn, across the entrance hall, up the stairs and into my room.

"What do I do now?" I asked no one in particular after throwing myself on my bed, staring at my ceiling that has been the way it is for as long as I can remember. Becky and I have had issues before but she was never like this, she would be confronting me head-on and she would give me a piece of her as she conveys her part or her understanding of the situation. This is the first time that she became like this, the first time that she was quiet.

Becky has always been so fond of me and she has always been forward about it. I am already used to having her by my side, especially whenever we are together, she would always be able to find me and figure out a way to be next to me which I always find to be an adorable side of hers. Now that she's being like this, she's being so distant from me is really hurting me. Her being like this is hurting me but what's really eating me up inside is, knowing about the fact that I made her cry.

I don't really have any more energy to function for the rest of the night but I need to do something to uplift my mood somehow. I forced myself to stand and make my way to my bathroom to open the faucet and left the water, slowly filling up the tub, to go out and prepare my clothes and whatever else that I will be needing for tonight.

I let myself relax in the tub, letting the warmth of the water take away the fatigue that has accumulated throughout the day, the gentle fragrance of the lavender scented candle fill the place and let the tranquil atmosphere occupy my mind for next half hour before finally leaving and get myself ready for bed.

Once done with putting on clothes for sleeping, I light myself another scented candle before finally tucking myself to sleep. I try not to think back of the happenings hours before and focused on getting myself be lulled by the soft sound of my surrounding, this just might be what I need to get myself to sleep.

Before I knew it, I already fell asleep. It was a dreamless sleep and my mood has definitely become better. I opened my eyes to the view of my never changing ceiling and had a feeling that things will be alright, that today will be a good day and I really wish for that to be true. There's not much time left before I leave and it would be amazing to have Becky forgive her and have their relationship be able to go back to normal.

I was about to sit down but was suddenly unable to. There's something stopping me from doing so, something heavy weighing me down to the bed. Confused for a moment, I pushed myself up another time and sure enough I was once again weighted down on the bed, like there was something pinning me down on the bed. Finally taking the time to look around and assess my situation, I found out what was keeping me on the bed and was immediately shocked.

"Was I sleeping that deeply last night? Was I that exhausted or was I that relaxed, to the point that I didn't notice anyone come in and out of my room?"
was what I was thinking as I look at the image of the girl sleeping soundly by my side, with her arms wrapped around me, seemingly afraid to have me be gone once she woke up. This behavior of hers is cute and relieving but is also making me a bit nervous. "Bec?" I called softly. I wasn't really expecting for her to wake up but I still waited a little just to make sure. I wonder if she has forgiven me yet. Is everything ok now? Will she act cold when she wakes up and not talk to me again?

"Bec" I called a little more loudly this time, it made her flinch but not fully wake up and so I tried again, giving her a little in accompaniment. She started moving and slightly opened her eyes.


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