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Movie Date.

It's the theme of today's date night that I planned with Freen so I made sure to prepare everything. I got the movie, prepared snacks and even cleaned the living to make sure everything is perfect and it was, at least during the beginning it was, but somewhere in the middle, things started to go downhill.

"Freen" I called out to her for the nth time but still no response. After our outing that day, actually it was even before then, Freen has started acting differently. It's like she's not the same Freen I knew back then.

At first I thought that it was just because she's finally back in her home country and that she's trying to adjust back to the life she has here so I did my best to understand her but as time goes by, I started noticing things here and there. No matter how much I try to turn a blind eye to it all, I can't do it anymore. It hasn't been long since I arrived here but I can already see how things will turn out.

"Freen" I tried again and, thankfully, this time she finally turned and noticed me. "Yes" she said almost absentmindedly "What were you saying?" she asked, confirming to me once more how different she has been.

She's been acting differently, especially with the way she has treated me.

"I haven't said anything" I told her and I saw guilt flash in her eyes. "I'm sorry" she said "Things has been very... chaotic since I got back" she explained and I understand, I really do, but it has been affecting our relationship so much that I think I can't let it all just pass.

We have to talk about it.

"I think it's time that we talk" I told her seriously which seems to have caught her off guard. Seeing her reaction did make me feel a little bit guilty but I know that we should not prolong this or it will become even more of a problem and might over complicate things.

"I know that you have a lot on your plate right now but I really think we should talk and figure things out" I told her and she responded by nodding her head "I understand" she said.

"I noticed that you've been acting weird or maybe just different than what I'm used to" I said to her after taking her hand within mine. "You we're acting normally before coming back here though" I added "Did something happen when you arrived?" I asked her carefully, with the hopes that she'll open up and tell me the truth.

I can see her hesitation to talk so I decided to wait patiently.

"The truth is, I..." she paused again. This must really be wearing her out for her to be acting like this. I'm used to her being very straightforward, open about how she feels about everything so seeing her like this is really making me worry.

"I never told people about our relationship" she said hesitantly. The revelation did catch me off guard but I tried to keep a poker face on so that she won't stop talking. We have to sort this out "I only told my parents not long before I came back" she added. I gave her a nod to let her know that I understand her decision and to urge her to continue her story too.

"That night after coming home" she started her story again after a moment of silence "Richie, Becky and I planned to spend the night together to catch up" as she continues her story, her voice started to shake a little and I started to notice her eyes getting slightly red but I turned a blind eye on it and continued to simply listen to her.

"Well" she said and I can see her thinking, she must be trying to figure out what to say or maybe how to say it all to me.

With every passing moment and all her uncertain gesture made my mind go to work and started to make its own explanation or version of the story. Trying to suppress it was so hard but I made sure to keep quiet and listen to her.

"Let's just that" she said "To cut things short, one thing led to another and I ended up telling Richie about being in a relationship and Becky ended up overhearing us, giving her a really big shock" she ended up explaining nonstop this time.

"She got upset with me and closed herself in her room" she recalled "Whenever we tried talking, things just got even more complicated that she got angry at me" I honestly don't know what shocked me more, the fact that she's become like this because her friend's baby sister got upset with her or the fact that she's actually crying as she said this.

Just then, as if puzzle pieces being placed correctly, a picture suddenly appeared in my mind.


"Cole" I introduced myself to her "It's nice to meet you" I greeted her using my rusty Thailand dialect, hoping that she'll feel some sort of companionship. After all, being alone in a foreign country can make one feel lonely. "You know how to speak Thai?" her shocked expression mixed with some sort of camaraderie caught me off guard and got me smiling "Yeah" I answered "I am half-Thai so.." was my answer to her and the smile she had was enough to make my heart beat faster.


"What would you like?" I asked her as we stand in front of the ice cream shop "I'll have the mango flavor" she answered without a second thought so I quickly gave our orders to the shopkeeper "One mango and one strawberry please" I said. When I looked back to her, she had this slightly shocked (or maybe amused look on her face) "What?" I asked "Nothing" she said, quickly fixing her facial expression back to normal "I just got reminded of someone who likes the same flavor" she added. "Who is it?" I asked out, happy to be able to know more about her life or at least the people around her "My best friend's sister" she said with a beautiful smile on her face.


"Are you ok?" Freen asked after helping me regains my balance for almost falling down due to my own clumsiness "Yeah" I said "Thank you" I managed to say despite feeling embarrassed "You should be more careful and mindful of your surroundings" was her only reply. "It's a good thing that you caught me or I might have hurt myself" I told her shyly "I'm used to it" she said "It's like reflex now, my best friend's sister is quite clumsy too" she explained.


"Come on! Let's go on that ride together" I whined to her, holding on to her left hand "I'm really not good with that" she said "Go ahead, I'll just wait for you here" she added but I don't plan on backing down. At least to this one, I'd like for the two of us to go "Let's go on just once, then I won't ask anything else" I kept on whining, stubbornly asking her to do as I ask. After a few more lines in our conversation, I was able to finally convince her "You really do remind me of her" I heard her vaguely but paid no mind to it.

~~~~end of flashback~~~~

Maybe I should have paid more mind back then because all of a sudden it all makes sense.

"Freen" I called "Do you love me?" I couldn't help but ask.

Despite the fear of hearing a confirmation of my speculation, I felt like I needed to ask.

Hi everyone!

Apologies for the late updates, I have been very busy lately...

Anyways, here's another chapter...

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