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Since entering upper secondary education, I have made sure to keep up with my work and improve myself further. I want to be as best as I can be without pushing myself too hard. I do want to push through my limits, but I also want to be realistic and not claim something that I cannot do. I just want to be me in the best way possible. I want her to be proud of me and not someone I portray myself to be, because that will not only be quite tiring in the long run but also very pretentious with little to no solid foundation. I want her to see me as me, like me as me, and be with me—the best version of me.

"Bec!" the voice of Irin was immediately recognized and found by Becky despite the crowd. Looking in the direction of the voice, she immediately found Irin and saw the other half run towards her. It has been a while since the two of them came out together to just have fun, so Becky agreed to have a day out with her one and only best friend, especially since it's a weekend.

Irin welcomed her with a bear hug, which the other openly accepted and returned with the same intensity. She may have decided to focus on learning, but that doesn't mean that she doesn't miss all the girly stuff and sisterly bond that she gets with the girl.

"It's been a while" Irin said the moment that the two let go of each other. "It really has" Becky agreed. "I've been so busy that I didn't even realize time was passing by so fast" she complained to the girl who empathized with her visibly by nodding. "You really have been preoccupied for a while now" Irin commented "But because of that, your grades have significantly improved, and you even got first place in the entire school" she told the girl "that's definitely a good thing" she added so proudly, making Becky beam with happiness.

"I know that the school year has barely begun, but a girl's day out is necessary every once in a while" Irin argued, mostly to clear her conscience of choosing to go out instead of hitting the books. "That's true," Bec agreed undoubtedly. She knows that a breather is needed to make progress and relieve some stress from all the new information that they get from school.

"What will we be doing today?" Becky asked Irin, as she has always been the deciding one since her priorities took a complete makeover. "There are a lot of things I want to do but for now I'd rather go and have a meal" she told the other "I'm hungry" she commented, rubbing one hand on her belly to put more stress and emphasis on the topic, which made Becky laugh at the silliness of her friend, who simply won't get old for her. "Let's go eat then" was the last thing Becky said before the two of them started walking around, looking for a place to eat that matched their taste and cravings at the moment.

After finally deciding on a place, the two browsed the menu and decided to get everything that they wanted, having a silent agreement that they would share each and everything. It didn't take long for the food to come, especially since the two were preoccupied with their chattering and catching up. The food was great, but it was even better because of their company and their uplifted mood. Together, they always make each other happy, like the other is the happy pill of the other. Their conversation went on and on until their food gradually disappeared, making the girls full and satisfied with their meal.

With no particular itinerary in mind, Bec and Irin started walking around the mall, going through stalls after stalls, brand after brand, buying anything and everything that they fancied. Happily chatting and engaging each other in conversation and the push and pull of each other to try all sorts of stuff and dresses, the two soon had their hands full of paper bags with their purchased items and stuff. However, this didn't stop the two, and they decided to go for a more pampering session by going to the salon.

During this, they got themselves a full session of manicures and pedicures as they continued to chatter away with their never-ending conversation about everything and nothing. Though their topics are usually about school, family, and friends, the talk about Freen has yet to be started, like there's an unknown agreement to talk about her. Becky started avoiding the topic because she doesn't want to tamper with her mood and make their day sadder due to the thought, while Irin has the sense to not talk about Freen as she is fully aware that this will make Becky sad, which is the very opposite of their goal for today.

After their session, they also came to an agreement about getting a full-body massage, which turned out to be something they needed more than they could ever think of. With their bodies fully refreshed and beautified, Irin suggested having dinner before heading back since it had also turned dark outside.

They headed towards their chosen restaurant and soon ordered a more decent meal than their very impulsive choice of menu during lunch, which seemed to be composed more of junk food than a proper meal appropriate for two still-growing young adults.

Along with the decent meal came a decent place and atmosphere that might have played a big influence on the two having a decent conversation. They talk, but their conversations are mostly not serious, so when they do talk seriously, the atmosphere does seem different. "What's your progress now?" Irin asked vaguely, but Becky understood it perfectly. "I wasn't able to confess before she left so I'm doing my best to improve myself" she answered "My plan is to confess when she gets back" she said "Hopefully, when she sees me, the better version of me, she'll be able to see that we are going to be good together" she added with her hopes up and Irin can see it.

It's not that she's doubting that the two of them would get together; it's just that deep inside her heart, Irin knows that things might not go as smoothly as Becky dreams of, but she doesn't have to say it; she just has to keep watch over things and be there to provide support. "There's still time before she comes home, so there's more time for you to prepare" she told Becky, which made the latter smile genuinely and gratefully towards her.

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