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The car ride was anything but silent. Stories were told from here and there by people grouped together to talk about different things at the same time. Mom and my mom are now seated together, exchanging stories from their work and hobbies that they have failed to talk about during their busy time. Dad and my dad went on and talked about the happenings from their own businesses just like always, while the three of us—Richie, Freen, and I—sat at the back and started our own conversation, though most of it was us three exchanging stories throughout the four years that we were far from each other.

Like an unspoken rule, everyone went straight to the Chankimha house, not wanting to end the day and extend the celebration as much as possible. Our parents went straight to the living room and continued their interrupted story telling while we went straight to Freen's room to converse on our own.

"It's nice to finally be home" Freen exclaimed as she let herself fall on the bed, looking exhausted yet happy at the same time, while I couldn't help but put a smile on my face as I watch Freen take comfort on her bed which I have missed and longed to see ever since she left. The place felt like a puzzle finally placed with its missing piece and the sight didn't fail to warm my heart.

"Welcome home!" I welcomed her joyfully with a wide smile on my face. "We've missed you" I added, as I stop by the bed in front of her. "That's right" Richie said as he walked behind me "You've been gone for way too long" he stopped right next to me and my sight went to him naturally "I've had such a hard time keeping this rascal under control" he ruffled my hair as he uttered the teasing word towards me, eliciting a laugh from Freen.

"It's the other way around if you ask me" I protested as I pushed his hand off my head "You're the one who caused the most trouble while Freen was away" I protested more, not wanting to back down "Wasn't it you who got mom and dad angry not long ago" I added even more to make my point clear.

"You see" he uttered with disbelief, looking at Freen as he point his finger towards me "You see what I have to deal with" the resigned look on his face got me irritated but I managed to hold it in. I still need to show her that I have matured throughout the years that she was away. "You still haven't changed, Rich" Freen commented between her laughter "You still like teasing bec so much" she added. I was pissed earlier but because of her laugh, I no longer care about what Richie said. "If you two don't stop, you're gonna get into a fight" she added, knowing how it has always been. Not wanting for that to happen, well, mostly to listen and focus on Freen more, I did as I was told and stopped bickering with Richie. It would be best to think of him as air in order to keep the peace for the rest of the night.

"Before we start to chat the night away, I should go and get us some snacks" I announced and immediately went out the room. Feeling excited towards the possible events of the rest of the night, I practically skipped and hopped my way down the stairs and straight towards the kitchen. Giddy as I go through each cupboard, looking for snacks that would be to her taste. Then, I went through the fridge just to see if there was something there that would be to her fancy. I'd like for Freen to have enough choices for her to be snack on that would make her satisfied.

It has been years since she's been here so I want her to have and experience only the best. I want her to know that being here is still better and will always be better than being anywhere else in the world, that being home has and will always be the best.

After finally finish plating and organizing everything on a tray, I started walking my way up the stairs with a smile plastered on my face. I made sure to take one step at a time carefully as to not spill anything and make a mess. I don't want to seem childish and unreliable to her. I have worked for years to improve myself, I don't want to make a mistake and let all my efforts go down the drain.

"So" I heard Richie's voice as I started to reach the room. His voice has a serious tone that he almost never uses towards me or even when I'm around that it got me a little bit surprised "How have you been for these past four years?" he asked sincerely that it made me stop right by the door "How have you been really?" he asked more sincerely and that caught me off guard. Having the chance to know what was really on her mind present itself; I unconsciously hid myself by the door and ended up listening.

"I've really missed this place" Freen answered after a few seconds "You know, I was really nervous when I got there" she revealed "I was by myself in a foreign country with no one by my side to help or even ask for help. It was though and challenging" she added and I thought I heard her voice quiver a little, making me feel a slight pang in my chest "there were even times that I thought of leaving everything behind and just come home, where I know everything will be fine and that nothing could possibly go wrong" she paused for a moment, it wasn't even that long but the wait was unbearable to me.

"It was really has, especially during the beginning but I pushed through" she said and I can hear the hint of proudness in her voice "I met some people and started to see myself improving until one day I have come to the realization that I can do it and that I will do it" she continued "It was hard" she admitted "but with the help from everyone, I managed to get through it" she stated. "So as for your question, I am good and much better now" she finally answered and it made me feel happy to know that she really is doing well. I am once again proud of her.

"That's really good to know" Richie finally started talking again "the people you met there must have really become close to you?" he has a mischievous tone in his voice but I disregarded it, after all, this is more natural for him. "Don't tell me you already found someone special?" he asked all of a sudden that I froze on the spot. So many thoughts went through my mind. She couldn't have found someone special right? She went there to study so she must have focused on learning, right? But then again, Freen is such a perfect person and it won't be surprising if many people would pursue her so what if she really have found her special someone? What would I do?

Hi everyone!

Here's another chapter...

I apologize for not updating for a while, its been super hectic that I barely have time to rest.

I am trying to write as fast as I can but it is coming along slower than I planned.

Rest assured that I will finish writing this story but it might take more time than I intended.

Anyways, thanks for reading and hope to see you on the next one.

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