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I advice you guys to read this to understand the story.
Hey! Im not dead yet btw!
This is completely my own fan fiction!
Enjoy 😊

Location: dimensional void (they decorated the it since they will be working there, so it's basically not a void)

A girl with pitch back hair with it fading into white at the bottom was was doing something on a holo-screen, she wore a back jacket zipping it up the whole way, black pants and white and blue shoes, she wore a back choker with
a necklace with a glue and purple gem dangling from her neck (like yuya's pendulum). She had one eye blue and the other black and headphones on and a lollipop in her mouth.

"Hey Aurora!" A girl yelled she had light pink hair tied into two pigtails, pink eyes, she wore a black t-shirt, a pink skirt fading into blue long black socks and blue sneakers. Aurora removed her headphone, the holo-screen disappeared along with her blue colored eye, (both her eyes are black now, one of her eyes change color when she is using half of her power and both eyes glow when she is using full power) "hey Mia" Aurora replied

"What are doing?" Mia asked, "nothing much, just checking if the dimensions are stable" Aurora replied, Mia was about to say something before there was a loud shock which sounded like an earthquake.

"What the hell is going on!?" Aurora shouted kneeling on the ground Mia did the same, there were a few rips in the sky but they disappeared quickly unnoticed by anyone well expect for Aurora "the dimensions" she whispered but it was loud enough for Mia to hear "what about the dimensions?!" Mia asked terrified since the earthquake hadn't stopped yet "the dimensions, I think they're colliding" Aurora replied.

The earthquake ended leaving many things scatted across "call the others, I'll go check the control room" Aurora  commanded, Mia obeyed even though Mia is a higher rank thank Aurora.

Aurora ran towards the control room, she stopped at a small door, there was a hand print pad Aurora put her hand on the pad but it flashed red "dammit" she mumbled to herself "guess we'll have to do this the hard way"

Location:Yu-Gi-oh World

"Hey yusei!" Jaden shouted running towards the synchro summoner "hey Jay" yusei said giving a small simile "you guys are here too?" Jaden said to yuya, Yuma and yugi. "Yeah we had nothing to do so we decided to hang out" yuya said.

The ground suddenly started shaking violently "what the heck!?" Yuma screamed "astral what is going on!?" Astral came out Yuma, yuya, yugi, yusei and Jaden ran towards bent down "there is a disturbance in the void" astral said, yubel and the supreme king came out they seemed to be affected by the earthquake also, the people started running "we better help them!" Yuya said, he and the others got up and ran to different ways to help the people "please get inside the building!", they were lucky that that the building were earthquake proof, "is that everyone?" Yugi shouted.

Just then the sky ripped open, it was a huge opening, multiple small cracks opened up around the sky started slowly turning a blood red color "hey!" A voice shouted, the gang turned around to find a clocked figure running towards them "who are you?!" Yusei shouted turning his duel disk on, the others did the same "relax im a friend" the figure said "follow me if you want your world to be safe" "should we follow him?" Jaden asked the others "ever heard never to follow a stranger!?" Yuya Whisper-shouted "we don't have a choice" yugi said.

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