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It was the 19th of March 2018. I was in the school bathroom of Lexington High. The school day had just ended and all the students were on their way home. I sure as shit wasn't excited about the idea of going home. I couldn't even call it a home, it was more just a house where I stayed with people who were connected to me only by blood.

I was sitting in one of the bathroom stalls, trying to fix one of my shoes by gluing the sole back on.

My mother's gonna lose her shit if she sees this. Fuck that, it's not my fault she can't afford new shoes.

As I was trying to press the shoe and sole together, I fumbled when I was jump scared by a sudden loud noise. It sounded like it came from all around me. I looked around nervously when I noticed the little container of superglue sliding away from me as if pulled by a magnet.

I put on my shoes and opened the stall door. That was the first time I saw a portal to Hell. It was so bizarre, so outlandish, I can't describe it. It looked fundamentally the same as every other Hell portal I'd seen after that. But I was entranced by it. It was kind of beautiful.

It was foggy white and blue in the centre, outlined by bright colors that shifted between blue, purple, and white. The portal itself was mostly in the shape of a triangle. It wasn't perfect, it seemed like it was torn into existence.

I'm not sure how long I stood and stared at the portal but after a while, a demon came out of it. It was small, no bigger than a cat. At the time I wasn't sure what I was looking at, but my fight-or-flight responses kicked in and I turned to run out of the bathroom. Before I could run, I was knocked over and could feel my back being torn open.

I shot back up on my feet and ran with my back into a wall. It didn't help. It only made things worse. I screamed at the top of my lungs as I felt the demon gnawing on my spine. I'd never felt anything as painful before. Blood was raining onto the floor and the only sounds I could hear were my screaming and the violent gnawing and scratching of whatever was on my back.

I reached for my back to pull the demon off before I felt it let go of my spine and bite onto my right hand. My entire hand fit inside its jaws and it began clawing away at my right shoulder. It was slicing off my flesh right to the bone.

There's nothing I can do.

The screaming continued, the pain didn't stop, and the blood just kept flowing.

The demon decided to return to my back, but this time it didn't go for the spine. It started physically crawling into my ribcage. I couldn't scream anymore, it was pushing the air out of my lungs, and I felt every millisecond of it. With my left hand, I reached back for it and grabbed onto one of its hind legs. I pulled it out of my ribcage without knowing it had my heart between its teeth.

I happened to pull my own heart out with it.

I was going through the worst pain imaginable. I wished only for death. I wanted it to stop.

That's when someone rushed into the bathroom to check out the situation. I can't remember who it was. Hell, I couldn't even comprehend who it was. I only knew that another human being came into the bathroom and ran away.

The demon's focus didn't even shift to the other person. It only focused on me as it jumped back onto my right arm. As I stumbled around, believing I'd die soon, I tried pulling it off of my arm again. I got it by its hind legs again and yanked as hard as I could.

This time my arm came off by the shoulder. I was stumbling around, somehow still alive and conscious, without a heart or a right arm. In the middle of all the agony, I threw the demon, arm in mouth, into one of the bathroom stalls.

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