Chapter 10

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Ted and Suzanne had been in town for a week before they happened to be out walking around town and he stopped her and moved her into the shadows of the building they were standing in front of. "Is that Mr. Howard?" he asked, pointing to a man on a horse as he rode past them. 

"It sure looks like him," she said, watching the slightly pudgy man pull up in front of a saloon and climb down from the saddle. He glanced around as if he thought he was being watched, before walking in through the bat-wing doors.

"I asked around a couple days ago, and the owner of that particular saloon was looking to sell. What do you want to bet that Mr. Howard is there to make an offer?"

"Now that we know he's in town, can we go to the Marshalls?" she asked.

"You think we should give him a couple days to get settled, first?"

She looked up at him. "I suppose we could let him get comfortable." she said. "He did look like he was watching over his shoulder."

"Don't worry," he smiled, leaning down to kiss her. "We'll get them both."

Over the next few days, they managed to keep a low profile. They had just been seated in the hotel dining room for lunch when Suzanne gasped, shifting in her seat to hide from the couple who had just walked in.

"What is it?" Ted asked, glancing over his shoulder. He immediately turned back to Suzanne.

"What day is it?" she asked.


"What day is it?"

"It's Thursday," he said.

"We should have been more careful," she said. "They always meet on Thursdays,"

"It's alright." he said. "We couldn't have known they would meet so soon after he got into town."

"So what do we do now?" she whispered.

"Just stay calm. There are plenty of people in here. It's likely they'll be too busy catching up to notice us."

The waitress brought their food before she could say anything else and Suzanne made sure to stay out of sight while she ate. "How are we going to leave?" she asked.

"We can stay and let them leave first," he said.

"'s that going to work?" she whispered. "She's coming over here!"

Ted looked up just as Ms. Desmond approached their small table. "Ah, Ms. Desmond," he stood up, hoping to distract her from looking at Suzanne. And it worked. For a moment.

"I just came over to offer my congratulations to you and your new wife!" she smiled. She glanced over and the smile disappeared from her face. "Miss Vonne!?"

"Ms. Desmond," Suzanne stood up.

"What are you doing here?" the woman snapped. "Are you following me?"

"Following you?" Suzanne asked. "Why on earth would we be following you?"

"I don't know! But why else would you be here?"

"I'm on my honeymoon, what are you doing here?" Suzanne asked.

"Leaving. That's what I'm doing!" the woman snapped.

"Oh no you're not!" Suzanne reached out as the woman turned, and grabbed a hold of her hair, pinned neatly at the nape of her neck. The entire bun came off in her hand and she and Ms. Desmond both gasped.

Ted's mouth dropped open and he stared.

A slight scuffle over near the door pulled their attention away from Ms. Desmond and Ted glanced over to see Mr. Howard ducking out of the dining room. He waved down one of the waitresses and told her to go find the Sheriff or a Marshall.

Hometown Redemption - Book Three of the Western Girls TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now