Chapter 5

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"Well, Ted, you're off the hook," Jake said, returning from town just before lunch. "I guess now you'll have time to pursue this new lady friend of yours,"

Ted looked up from the saddle he was oiling with his good hand. "Oh, don't act like you weren't in love with Morgan the first time you laid eyes on her," he said. "I noticed you bumbling around like an idiot afterwards. It all made sense when I found out Morgan was the woman you met in town."

"Me? Bumble around like an idiot?" Jake laughed. "I did not!"

"You did!" Ted chuckled. "I believe I even caught you humming to yourself once, and that's pretty unusual."

Jake shook his head, but he was smiling. He still caught himself humming sometimes. Ever since they got married. "Well, you're officially on light duty until your elbow heals," he said. "But don't get used to it."

"Wouldn't dream of it," 

Gordon, who'd worked for Mr. Harris years ago before Jake became foreman, had been married for a few years, but he and his wife had just recently found out she was expecting. They had been hoping to buy a house of their own in town and the extra money from the cattle drive could help them do it. At first he was reluctant to leave her by herself for so many months, but after she assured him she would be fine, he accepted the job. She also reminded him that her mother was coming to visit and she could help while he was gone.

With that settled, Ted helped round up the herd as much as possible and did as many of the tasks around the ranch that he could do with one hand. He was careful, but even so, just the day after the herd left, he injured himself again.

"Hey Jake,"

"Yeah, what's -," Jake looked up from working on the tines of the plow and saw that Ted was holding his forearm. "What did you do?"

"I was trying to tighten that loose strand of wire on the fence over next to the gate and it snapped and got me in the arm. It's not bad. I'll just wrap it up."

Jake stood up and walked over, pulling the ripped material of his sleeve open. "No, you'd better go see Dr. Phillips," he said. "You sure you didn't get hurt on purpose?"

"What are you trying to say?" Ted grinned. "Of course I didn't do it on purpose! The last one was free, but he said I'd have to pay for the next one. This is probably going to cost me a pretty penny."

"And you'll get to see your pretty new friend. You want me to hitch up the wagon?"

"No, but if there's a horse already saddled up around here, I'll take it."

Ted rode into town, sliding down out of the saddle in front of the clinic. He pulled his hat off before stepping inside and cleared his throat when he saw Miss Vonne at the other end of the waiting room, putting supplies away in a floor to ceiling cabinet.

"Mr. Pierce!" she turned around. "Did you hurt your elbow again?" She asked.

"No, it's not my elbow," He said. "I got my arm caught up in some barbed wire. Jake thought I should have the doctor take a look at it."

"I think he's just in the back." she said. "Why don't you have a seat in here and I'll go get him," she opened the door to the first exam room. When he'd sat down, she carefully pulled his sleeve open to take a look. "Yeah, that's probably going to need stitches," She left the room and returned a few moments later with the doctor.

"Mr. Pierce, just can't stay away from my clinic, I see." Dr. Phillips smiled.

"It's not for lack of trying," Ted replied. "I was doing really good for a few days there,"

Hometown Redemption - Book Three of the Western Girls TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now