Chapter 4

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"Mrs. Monroe!"

"Oh, hello Dr. Phillips," Morgan turned around to find the doctor hurrying to catch up to her. "What can I do for you?"

"I wanted to ask you about the young lady you were with when you brought Henry in the other day."

"Oh, Suzanne?"

"Yes. Do you know her?"

"Yes. She and I were friends at the orphanage," she said.

"Do you know if she's looking for a job?" he asked. "I am in desperate need of a nurse and everyone I have interviewed or hired in the past six months have all turned out to be squeamish and I just need someone who can help with surgery and stitches and the like, without needing medical care of their own!"

"Well, I know she's been working at the hotel kitchen," Morgan replied. "But I could ask her to stop by and see you if she's interested. I don't think she has any medical training, though."

"It's alright. I can train her for what I need but she seemed to handle Henry alright and he was bleeding all over the place."

"She was the unofficial nurse at the orphanage," she laughed softly. "I'll give her the message for you, if you'd like."

"Yes. Please do."

"Oh. Dr. Phillips," she called before he could walk too far away.


"You do know she spent some time working for Mr. Howard at the saloon?"

"I wasn't aware of that, no." he said.

"She didn't do it because she wanted to. She didn't have much choice at the time. If you'd rather I didn't mention your offer, I don't have to say anything. I just didn't want you to change your mind after the fact, if that mattered to you."

"You know, it makes no difference to me. If she can do the job, I won't even mention it."

"Thank you. I think she'll do great if you're willing to give her a chance."

"Send her by at her earliest convenience," he smiled.

Morgan had only come into town to mail some correspondence from Mrs. Harris and she turned and headed up the street to the hotel instead of going straight home. "Is there any way I can speak to Suzanne Vonne?" she asked at the front desk. "She works in the kitchen and I have a very important message for her."

The woman at the front desk looked like she had never been asked anything like that before and she looked around for someone to ask. Not seeing anyone in a more senior position, she waved one of the bellmen over. "Can you discretely take this young lady back to the kitchen. She needs to speak with one of the staff."

"Of course, follow me," the young man said.

Morgan mouthed a 'thank you' to the desk clerk and hurried to keep up with him as he turned a corner and went through a door into the back office.

"Morgan, what are you doing here?" Suzanne was chopping apples for a dessert they were making and was surprised when her friend appeared in front of her.

"I have a message!" Morgan smiled. "From Dr. Phillips!"

"He wanted you to give me a message?" she asked.

Morgan nodded, waiting until another worker had passed by them to continue. "He said he is in desperate need of a nurse and no one in the past six months has worked out. He was impressed by how well you handled Henry's bloody head the other day that he wants me to tell you he would like to hire you as a nurse!"

Hometown Redemption - Book Three of the Western Girls TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now