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Alaska, 1980

A ten years old Inuit girl had been taken from her family by some agents, her name was Qigik, her parents died trying to protect her. She was being transported in a car to the residential school near her home. Qigik had been crying all the way trying to avoid looking at the people that killed her parents. When all the sudden they stopped.
"What is it now Brian?" said the agent at her right.
"I think it was a tire" the driver, or Brian, responded on a bad mood.
He then went outside to confirm his suspicious, he could be heard from the inside swearing. Brian called for his partner, Colt, who was at the passenger's seat to help him change the tire. Colt came out of the vehicle as well and walked to Brian with a flashlight on hand. They had to hurry because it was dark and they were running late.
Meanwhile in the car Qigik kept her look down, she was too scared to look at the men at her sides, she could feel their eyes on her, she could feel the danger. Qigik then remembered her parents, she started to mumble their names in her native tongue.
"What was that?" said the man at her right "What did you say?"
Qigik lifted slowly her look, but didn't say a word. The man then smacked her across the face.
"Answer me when I talk to you!"
Then a scream was heard from the outside along with some growling, a shriek, footsteps, howls.
The two remaining men left the vehicle to check what was going on. Qigik stood there as she heard a fight was taking place outside, she cautiously looked outside the window and...
She couldn't believe her eyes.
The men that took her had grown fangs and claws, their eyes were red, she realized their skin was pale, they could even fly! But that wasn't all: the men were fighting werewolves! Like, real life werewolves! There was a whole pack of them that ended up slaying the men.
Qigik backed up a little but fell off the seats with a thud, one of the werewolves heard it so he approached to the vehicle. He opened the door and saw the poor little scared Qigik, guessing the kid's thoughts the werewolf started to shape-shift back to his human form. Qigik saw that the now human man was an Inuit like her. He had short raven hair, a moustache and a goatee. He was also big and strong, Qigik saw his claws and fangs retract as his yellow eyes became brown.
"Hey" he told her, his voice was deep but kind "Are you okay?"
The man extended his hand but Qigik backed up until she felt the door on her back.
"Don't be afraid, I'm not gonna hurt you"
Qigik didn't know what to do, she didn't know if she could trust that man- or werewolf-
"Who are you?" she asked
"I'm Adahy, what's your name?"
"Well, pleased to meet you Qigik" he said with a warm smile.
Qigik smiled in return, then Adahy extended his hand again, this time Qigik took his hand and Adahy gently pulled her to him. In a moment Qigik instinctively wrapped her arms around his neck, Adahy chuckled at this as he carried her out on his arms.
"Don't worry, I got you. I won't let anything bad happens to you."
"Adahy what did you found?" said a male voice.
"It's a human girl, her name is Qigik"
The kid saw the pack of werewolves turning back into their human forms, they seemed Inuit like her. Except for the white blond man approaching her, Qigik felt scared because of what white men did to her family.
"Hey princess, don't be afraid, we won't hurt you"
"White man" she said tearing down.
Then the blond man looked at the bodies and realized what just happened to her. Assuming her family was not even alive anymore.
"Oh, hey, Qigik, right?"
She nodded.
"My name is Jason, I'm not like those white men, I'm not gonna harm you"
"He's telling the truth" Adahy told her "You can trust him"
"Did those Bloodsuckers hurt you?"
Qigik didn't understand Jason's question. So Adahy explained her that those men, were actually vampires. Qigik told them that her family thought they were agents that went to sent her to a residential school. When in reality were vampires that kidnapped her to become either their meal or a bride.
The pack took Qigik to their den, they ran to the deepest part of the forest until they made it to a big mountain. The pack entered a cave and kept running through some tunnels, when a light started to show at the end, and when they crossed it...
"Qigik, welcome to your new home" Adahy
The kid was amazed, the mountain hide a secret valley where there was a forest mixed with some houses, the night sky was sparkling stars and the full mon was watching over the sanctuary.
"It's beautiful" she said
Later Qigik was introduced to Adahy's family. He was the Alpha of The Moon Guardians pack, his wife was named Tanana, she was the shaman of the pack with the gift of magic. What made her wolf form being white as snow with blue eyes like the moon. Behind her was their son: Hinun, a boy about Qigik's age. He still hadn't his wolf form because he was still a pup, the age for a werewolf to have his or her first shapeshifting was 16, but he already could grow his fangs and claws, his eyes could turn yellow, he had superhuman strength, speed and agility as his senses.
Qigik had stayed with Tanana and Hinun while Adahy talked with the Alpha's council. Tanana had explained her, as they were making a tour of the den, about their way of life. The den was like a small city where lived 10 different packs, each one possessed an Alpha, male or female, then there were the Betas, which were the second in command of the pack, next were the Deltas, who were the smarter ones. There was also a Gama, who was like the spiritual leader, so it was at the same level as the Alpha. And finally, but not less important, the Omegas, despite being at the bottom of the hierarchy they were as important as the other roles. Since they took care of the pups, elders and wounded, they were the kindest of all the roles but also the most protective and aggressive ones if someone threatened the most vulnerables. Qigik then told Tanana what happened to her and to her family, the woman was shocked at hearing the kid's story. She then showed her the necklace on her chest.

"My mother gave me this necklace when I was your age

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"My mother gave me this necklace when I was your age. She told me to give it to my first daughter at the same age, like she had done with me, and my grandmother with her."
"Is beautiful"
Tanana smiled, they went back to their home and met Adahy at the dinner table.
"Hey there pup!" said the father picking up his son.
"So? How did it go?"
"I talked to them about Qigik, it wasn't easy but...they accepted. Qigik is now part of our pack."
The little girl's face brightened up, at the end she would no longer be an orphan. She found a new family, a family of werewolves. And besides her, no one enjoyed the new better than Hinun, he always wanted a human friend, now his wish had been granted.
But nobody expected that some years later they went from best lovers.

And this is how my parents met.

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