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After the ceremony I decided to go for a walk, I needed some time alone. In one moment, I took out my necklace form my shirt, it once belonged to Tanana, but since she didn't have any other children besides my dad, she gave it to my mom and then she gave it to me when I turned 10. Saying that despite I wasn't born a werewolf, I would always be part of the pack. I smiled at the memory without realizing that I had go too far from home. I was now at the side of the road.
"Oh shit"
Then all the sudden I saw a light coming from the road, as it got closer, I realized it was a car, no, a van. It stopped right in front of me, the driver along three men and two women came out and approached slowly to me. Their skin was pale, the clothes were basically made of black leather and their eyes were red. The eyes I would always recognize: Vampires.
"Are you lost kid?" asked one of the males. Probably their leader.
I backed up a little as he approached me.
"I...I don't want any trouble."
"We're not looking for trouble, we just want to help you."
Yeah, help you my ass, I turned around just to face one of the females, a red headed. Man I hate when they do that! The woman then grabbed me by the jaw and started to "inspect me"
"You're young, and beautiful."
She then threw me to the ground, I stood there, frozen.
"She would be a good bride" said one of the males.
A bride?! Hell no, the last thing I wanted was to be a sex slave for this bloodsuckers. I had to get out of there, but how? If I was a werewolf instead of an useless human I could easily defeat them in my wolf form. Yet I remember something, my UV flashlight! I always brought it with me everywhere I went. As these vampires were still chatting about how they would use me, I discretely sneaked my hand in one of my jacket pockets. By a quick movement I turned on my flashlight and light them on. The light burned their skin making them shriek, I took the opportunity and I ran as fast as I could back to the forest. But one of the other male vampires jumped in front of me and punched me in the face. I lost my flashlight, then the other two males grabbed me by the arms as I struggled.
"No. NO! LET ME GO! HELP!" I screamed the loudest I could in hope someone from the pack could hear me. But then I felt a hit on the back of my neck and everything turned dark.
I don't know how much time had passed when I woke up. But I felt tired, it was difficult to keep my eyes open. When I managed to fully wake up I realized that I was in a basement chained to the wall. From my ankles to my neck.
"What the...? No. No no no no no no no"
I heard steps coming from a stair behind me, panic started to settle in me. All the sudden one of the male vampires appeared in front of me.
"Well, you're finally awake."
"Get away from me" I said I backed up.
The vampire approached me, he gently took my chin as he started to sniff me.
"Hmmm, I love the smell of young blood. Aleera was right, you'll be such a perfect bride after we suck all the blood from your delicious body."
I started panting as I felt his lips and tongue in my neck, I told him to stop but he didn't listen. Tears came down from my eyes, never in my entire life I've been more scared. It was then that I felt his fangs grow.
"No, no, please, don't"
Suddenly I heard a fight was taking place upstairs, that pervert stopped what he was doing as he got on his feet. I panted. The vampire went behind the wall to the stairs, I heard him hissing and a growl in response. More fighting sounds, until after a moment of silence I heard a familiar voice:
"Kenai! I'm over here!"
I heard Kenai run to me, when I saw him relief spread all over my body. My little brother approached me with a worried look.
"Are you okay? Did they hurt you?"
"I'm fine, please get me out of these"
With his super strength Kenai broke the shackles setting me free. I hugged my little brother to next stand up and get the hell out of there as soon as possible. I saw the vampire's dead body, I figured Kenai had snatched his throat and destroyed his heart to avoid him to heal. That's the only way to kill a vampire besides sunlight. We climbed upstairs to meet with Dad and the rest of my brothers, I saw they had fought the whole nest. My Dad rushed to me the moment he saw me, he was so concentrated making sure I wasn't hurt that he didn't detect danger. One of the vampires was still alive, and he got a gun. He was about to shoot Sitka if Denahi hadn't be quick enough to push him out of the way. Denahi saved him from the bullet, just to receive it on his stomach.
"DENAHI!" we yelled.
Dad didn't think twice, he turned into his wolf form and attacked the vampire before he could shoot again. He grabbed him from the neck with his jaws and threw him through the window. It was now daylight, what explained the screams of pain and the smell of burning meat. We were now checking on Denahi, he had a big stain of blood in his shirt, but that was not the worst. He began having trouble to breathe, this shouldn't be happening, he should have healed faster...unless.
"Silver...bullet" he said in wheeze.
At those words my dad told us to place Denahi on his back, then I jumped on to make sure he wouldn't fall. We started to run back to the den the fastest we could.
"Hang on Denahi, stay with me" I told my brother as I saw his skin become paler and the shadows under his eyes.
"Erioc...I-I don't...I don't want to die"
"No, no Denahi, you're gonna be okay. You hear me? We're gonna make it, YOU're gonna make it"
Fortunately my words became reality, we made it to the den by a shortcut. We didn't have time to get to our territory so we asked help from The Night-walkers. Their pack was just at the entrance of the den, once my dad and Sitka delivered Denahi to their healer the only thing we could do was wait.

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