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Mumbai -Gauri's house

"Nik," Vyom uttered, his voice breaking with emotion, tears welling up in his eyes. Nikitha turned to him, Without a word, she reached out and pulled him into an embrace.
Nikitha, her voice shaking, began to pour out her feelings,
"Omi, do you remember how we used to cry for Dad? How we blamed him for leaving us?.. But now..... we blamed him for something that wasn't his mistake. It's like we were punishing him in our hearts all these years.....

Vyom nodded, tears streaming down his cheeks. "I know, Nik.... I used to be so angry at Dad... We can't change the past, but we can change how we feel about it. Maybe it's time we try to understand... for Mom's sake and our peace."

Niki herself was weakened by her emotions. Seeing her struggle, Vyom gently suggested, "Nik..., maybe it's time for us to visit Dad."
They were eager to see him, but they turned to shock as Janvi,
delivered the next revelation that shook them.

"Omi..., Niki," Janvi began,

"There's something you need to know. Gauri had concealed her second pregnancy from Om."

The room fell silent.
Janvi continued,
"Om doesn't know that he has a son."

Vyom and Nikitha exchanged bewildered glances, their father had been unaware of Vyom's existence for over two decades. The revelation forms a shadow over the reunion they had expected, which now mixed around their encounter with a father who had unknowingly missed an important chapter of their lives.

Mumbai- hospital

As Om regains consciousness. His eyes scan the room, and emotion washes over him as he takes in the sight of Pari sleeping against the wall and Rudra in a nearby bed.

The presence of a hand on his body brings a sudden awareness to Om. His gaze shifts to it, and as his eyes meet, it's as if time stands still. The connection between them had been not strained by years of separation and unspoken pain.

Om whispers, his voice hoarse with both weakness and emotion.

Gauri stirs, her eyes slowly opening to meet Om's. A moment of silence hangs between them, heavy with unspoken words and the weight of years lost. As their eyes lock, emotions rush to the surface-regret, longing...

Gauri breathes his name, a mixture of surprise and relief coloring her voice. The hand on his body trembles slightly as she reaches out to cup his cheek, her touch carrying the weight of the years they spent apart.

Om searches Gauri's eyes, finding a depth of emotion mirrored in her gaze.
"Why did we stay apart for so long?"
he asks,
the words barely audible but heavy with the ache of regret.

Gauri's eyes glisten with unshed tears.
"I thought it was best for you, for me... And for the kids, I thought I was protecting you...
but I see now that I only caused more pain...."

As Om absorbs her words, his thoughts drift to Nikitha. their daughter.
The memory of her.., the joy she brought into his life..., floods his mind. He recalls her laughter, her first steps, and the way she looked at him with innocent adoration.

"Niki...Nikitha," he breathes, a soft smile playing on his lips despite the gravity of the situation. The memory of their little family, however brief, adds a bittersweet layer to the reunion.

Gauri's eyes flicker.
"She's all good...Omkaraji... You've missed so much, and they've missed you."

Om's gaze shifts to Pari, still sleeping against the wall. The realization of the time lost, the moments he can never reclaim. in his chest, a glimmer of hope emerged -a chance to mend the broken threads of their family.

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