chapter 13

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It's 1 AM when Hyunjin was walking back to his apartment after spending hours discussing eliminations with the other shadows. 

Though the only things he helped discussing were Felix and his friend Han. Hyunjin knew that Felix would never forgive him if Han didn't make it.

So now he was very pleased to be going to bed peacefully, knowing Felis would still be there in the morning. The eliminated candidates would be taken from their rooms tonight, Hyunjin didn't really know what happened with them and he didn't want to know either.


The candidates were eating breakfast in the dining hall and as Felix scanned the rooom, he found a lot of empty seats. It were the ones where the eliminated candidates used to sit. 

The vibe among the candidates was gloomy, since a lot of them had lost a friend or a roommate. Felix knew it was selfish, but he was kind of relieved since his friends had all made it.

They had two days off, to regain their strength before the start of the second phase. Since the number of candidates has shrunk, the competition has increased, therefore Felix felt like he had to improve. 

Xalor came forward on the balcony above the dining hall and said: "Good morning candidates, you have passed the first phase, congratulations. May I ask you to please head to the town square for a speech by President Vex."


The candidates poured onto the town square along with Veil guards, shadows, and their families. The president stood in the center of the square on a platform, his hair was white, and he appeared tired, though he had a bright smile on his face.

Felix spotted Hyunjin standing next to the platform, it seemed like the shadows were doing security for this event, since the president is incredibly important.

They were dressed in a white, elegant uniforms, and they were heavily armed. When Hyunjin's eyes found Felix as well, he nodded at him with a soft smile. 

Felix's heart warmed at the thought of him being able to spot Felix in a crowd as big as this one. It's as if their eyes are magnets that always manage to find each other.

Felix had realized that Hyunjin became one of his friends, even though it might be a one-sided friendship, since Hyunjin is his teacher and probably only sees him as a student.

President Vex walked towards the microphone to start his speech: "Dear people of the third class, dear protectors of Obscuria. Thank you for coming here today, it's a special day considering a new generation of young candidates have made it through the first phase of becoming one of you."

Someone in the crowed whistled and shortly after an applaud followed. Han put his arm around Felix and happily shook the blonde's body as he said: "Look at us, one step closer to our dream."

The president continued: "Since winter is right around the corner, the masquerade winter ball will be held soon. As you all know, the masquerade ball is designed to celebrate the hard work of our Veil Guards and Shadows." 

The crowd seemed very excited at the mention of the masquerade ball, Felix had never heard of it though.

"Since guards and shadows  obviously don't have to work at their own celebration ball, the candidates will be in charge of security during the event. Therefore, in the next three weeks before the ball, candidates will be training harder than ever to prove they are capable of protecting our people from any kind of danger."


After the speech Felix found the perfect moment to talk to Hyunjin so he quickly walked up to him. "Hey sir," Felix said hesitantly, not knowing if Hyunjin was approachable while he was working. 

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