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“The pepper is too much, right?” Davis asked and Chiamaka, smiled.

Before Chiamaka returned home, Davis had already prepared rice and stew with fried chicken, and had set them on the dinning table. He was chatting on WhatsApp when Chiamaka came in, had her bath and they both went to the dinning table for dinner.

“It is still okay. At least, we can eat it with the help of water.” Chiamaka teased and Davis almost laughed but rolled his eyes.

“It is not funny! I know you will say something like that. Do you really have to... You know what? Never mind! Now tell me how it went. At the hospital where Susan died. Was it real? Did she really die?” Davis asked with curiosity eating him up; he drank a little amount of water from his glass cup, before turning to look at Chiamaka.

Chiamaka fanned her tongue with her hands, then nodded at Davis, “I forgot to tell you all I experienced today, but nevertheless I will do that when we finish eating. You know the dinning rules, nah, you are a graduate.”

“I am not eating again, joor, but I will wait for you to finish. I still wonder how you enjoy the food, even with the much pepper.” Davis asked, while arranging his side of the table. He turned to see Chiamaka still fanning her tongue after every chew and shallow, he then grinned.

Chiamaka caught his stare and he looked away shyly, “Shey, you are just busy smiling because of how I am rushing your food even with the pepper. Let me tell you now, I am only forcing myself to eat it because I am hungry!” Chiamaka said and rolled her eyes.

Davis laughed at Chiamaka's silly talk. Everything about Chiamaka was astonishing to him; he had begun to love her more than anything in the world, except for God. He wished, he could just ask her to be his other half, forever.

“Chiamaka abi na baby or troublemaker, eat your food fast and jest me what happened.” Davis replied! Knowing Chiamaka would attack him, he carried his plates and headed for the kitchen.

“Why are you running away, goat?” Chiamaka asked while laughing at Davis move, then she picked the remaining meat on her plate.

Davis was a good cook, and he did not mind doing the house chores as well. He was used to it and did not rely on anyone for assistant. After Chiamaka ate finished, she drank her water and carried her plates to the kitchen, there she met Davis washing his dishes and so, she added hers, and winked at him.

“Stay and jest me! Keep me company if you want me to wash yours!” Davis requested, and Chiamaka grinned.

Chiamaka relaxed on the wall, close to the sink, where Davis was busy washing the dishes.

“Well, I Confirmed Susan's death and I strongly believe her confessions to me were true. I still do not understand Susan's weird character. She hid a lot from me, that is her close friend. I sometimes wonder the kind of people I tag as friends, especially Susan, my only best friend.” Chiamaka paused and stretched her hand to remove the white substance Davis had on his beard, unknown to him.

“Thank you so much, my…. My beloved!” Davis smirked, then continued, “You really know how to care. You will make a good wife; our wife material!” Davis complimented and Chiamaka blushed.

“This your sweet mouth self!” Chiamaka attacked like she did not fall for it.

“Tell me more, from the way you sounded earlier, I have the feeling that you discovered more secrets. Did other women come to the hospital to ask for their children. Or did her ritualist friends come for her?” Davis asked. He took the kitchen towels and cleaned his wet hands.

“Haha, haha! Funny you! Not really! I got to find out that Susan had been married all this while, and he came for her.” Chiamaka replied.

“Ah, you say what? The wahala on her head too much, oh! Are you sure she is not even wanted by the police, as for me, I will not be surprise oh!” Surprised Davis stated and Chiamaka laughed.

“I really doubt she is wanted. Due to how I see things, it seems as though something happened between Susan and her husband. The man made some statements about forgiveness but said he came to meet her lifeless. He asked me to beg Patricia, so he can see her corpse. I am yet to understand the circle, but I took the man's number and while doing that, someone called me…” Chiamaka paused, not sure if she should continue or not. Davis noticed the suspense and raised his brows.

“I met Evans there, I do not know who gave him the direction to the place or informed him I was there, but while talking to late Susan's husband, he called out to me.” Chiamaka said with her eyes shut, she continued and still avoided looking at Davis, “He explained things and we parted. I asked him to go back home to his family.”

“You two had sex?” Davis asked, and Chiamaka looked up at Davis almost immediately.

“No, we did not. But we kissed! It was more like a goodbye kiss.” Chiamaka replied, feeling nervous. She was a prostitute, but ever since she began to live at Davis home, her zeal for it reduced. Her clients would call her often, and she gave them little attention. Davis had changed her without knowing it. “Davis?” .

To be continued...

This chapter is just so funny?

What is doing this Chiamaka self? 😂😂😂
And Davis will be doing shakara anyhow 😏😏 that young man is making me suspect him oh! Is he married? Wahala dey oh! 😶😶🤐

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