Chapter 28

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Flora came to visit Davis and was directed by Chiamaka to the garden where Davis sat with his laptop and a glass of juice. Immediately Davis saw his friend, he stood up to embrace him with a smile. It has been months they saw last and he could not believe his eyes.

“When did you return?” Davis asked as they both sat down, while Chiamaka went to get Davis friend a glass of juice as well.

“Last week!” Flora said and took hold of Davis drink.

“And you did not tell me?” Davis asked with disappointment 

“Wanted to surprise you and I did. So now tell me, who is that beautiful well packaged angel that I met earlier.” Flora asked.

Davis smiled and stretched his hand to take back his drink from his friend but Flora, intentionally finished it and winked him.

“Devil!” Davis mumbled to himself.

“I heard you but I am not interested, so now tell me who she is? This juice is nice!” Flora questioned with a smirk.

“She is the Chiamaka I talked to you about. The girl I came back to track down! She lives with me now!” Davis replied in a lower tone.

Flora eyes widened, “Oh, that's her? God, she is...” Flora wanted to utter out of amusement when he got interrupted.

“I know! But keep it down!” Davis said and used his eyes to signal Flora to keep quiet or change topic, as he spot Chiamaka coming with a tray.

Chiamaka dropped the tray which contained a jug of orange juice and another glass, and the young men remained quiet.

“Sorry I didn't ask if you do like to take alcohol, I thought since Davis was drinking...” Flora interrupted calmly.

“My lady, it is fine! I do not take alcohol anymore. I am more of the juice person. I have already finished Davis juice.” He said and raised the empty glass up for Chiamaka to see and she smiled.

“Let me prepare lunch! I hope you eat noodles as well?” Chiamaka asked.

“Yes my lady! I eat anything presented, even...” He smirked and Davis hit his table gently.

“You better behave asshole!” Davis said and they began to laugh.

Chiamaka left the two to enjoy their day and went back to the house.

Flora looked round to ensured Chiamaka was not close and then he turned back at Davis.

“Is it right to keep her in your house? When are you going to tell her man? She is too nice to be hurt nah!” Flora said with a frown.

“I know, I will have to do it sooner or later.” Davis got interrupted.

“No later, man! It should be sooner. I can't believe you found her! Wow, and she is beautiful!” Flora said with a stunned look.

“At first to be honest, I was puzzled but when things got to the extend that she then had to live with me was now when I confirmed it to be true.” Davis said with a sad smile.

“You have to do it and if you can't, leave her life and move out!” Flora commented.

“It is really not that easy. I have come to love her. Impeccable, I love this girl so much. I can not imagine my life without her. I feel she completes me, like she is my missing ribs. I have never seen any woman the way I see Chiamaka. And the night we make love, damn those moments. I loved everything!” Davis eyes paused as he noticed Flora reactions.

“You have slept with her already?” Flora yelled and Davis nodded.

“It is not what you think I swear! Flora in as much as I love that day, I also hate it. We did it before I got to find out the whole truth about her. I wished I could make that day never come. I wished we never did it but we did. Flora, she turns me on every now and then; it is so hard to resist her! My body craves for hers. I have never loved any woman the way I love her.” Davis confess and his friend shook his head in disagreement.

“If you cannot do it, then you must free her! Leave the state and go else where. And with the sound of things and how she looks at you, she is in love too! This is not good, I swear! I fear the result of this!” Flora forced himself to say.

“It is not easy! I can not stay without her. But I do not know how to tell her either. She is already facing hell and too do that will break her entirely. It hurt me when she crys. I swear, I really can not bear it not to talk of causing her so much in this period.” Davis said and Flora dropped down his glass of juice and avoided eyes contact with Davis.

“So what do you plan to do now? And how about the child?” Flora asked.

“He is fine and I have sent some spies in the area. They will be able to get useful information to me and I went to the doctor for the check up.” Davis replied.

Out of curiosity, Flora asked, “And?”

Davis thought for a while before replying to the question, “Until then, I will think of something but I feel I know the answer already and do not need the doctor's assistant. It is so clear!”

“Things will get real complicated!” Flora said as he finished his juice and noticed Chiamaka coming.

Davis noticed Chiamaka as well and changed topic.

“That is why I have been trying to get new ways on how to make the clients feel more comfortable and relaxed. It is not easy but if we do not work hard as we should, then how are we to get paid.” Davis said before Chiamaka reached them.

“Food is ready! It is time to eat!” Chiamaka announced and Flora was the first to jump out of his seat.

“Hey man, where are you going to in such hurry?” Davis asked as he closed his laptop and stood up.

“I am hungry!” Flora replied and continued his way to the house.

“Go get married and stop waiting for my woman to cook first!” Davis said. He then carried his remaining drink in his left hand, while he crossed his right hand over Chiamaka's shoulder and kissed her forehead.

“Fuck you, Davis!” Flora screamed before he entered the house.

They ate the noodles, talked on random topics and cracked jokes. Flora and Davis also played video games while Chiamaka was left to do the laundry with the washing machine.

In the night after Flora left the house with two take away plates filled with soups from the fridge. He begged Chiamaka to give them to him since he did not have anyone who would cook for him. Chiamaka and Davis were in the room cuddling.

“Davi, I have a questions to ask!” Chiamaka said suddenly.

“You can!” Davis asked even as he was called away by the game he was playing with his phone.

“Why is your friend's name Flora? Is it not a female's name?” Chiamaka asked and Davis began to laugh.

Still pressing his phone, “He prefers that! His real name is Fred but his twin sister is Flora, so when she died, he changed his name.” Davis explain.

“Okay and now for the second question.” She paused then dropped the nail file she was using on her nails, “I over...” Davis unknowingly interrupted.

“Goooaaaallll!” He screamed. And as he noticed Chiamaka's frown, he stopped and apologized.

“I overheard you and your friend's discussion at the garden. He said something, about you having something to tell me and then you started ranting about how you love me and all. That's all I heard! Well, I wanted to ask if I should add onions to the noodles since you hate them and that's when I overheard it! So can you explain that?” Chiamaka asked.
To be continued...

Who is Davis and what is his true identity?

Find out more in the next chapter! 😊

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