'I Breathe Salt' Revisions Update

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Hello, everyone! I understand some of you may have this book in your library, not expecting it to update ever again, but here I am to just give a little announcement. I have officially taken down all of the chapters from Wattpad (though the feedback chapter is left so I can refer to it easily during revisions, the aesthetics page is still up, and I left the memes). 

The reason for this is that I am officially starting the second draft of "I Breathe Salt." Preparing for it, anyways. For everyone who has ever left a comment, negative or positive, constructive or just emojis, I've taken note of all of that and no matter how small, it will have helped me tremendously with my revisions when considering what to change and what to keep. So: thank you. 

Originally, this novel was just something I worked on to get familiar with what it was like to write a novel-length story after a long hiatus of just competing in short-form writing competitions and being in the rhythm of novellas for so long. I started it in 2017, took a two year hiatus, and came back to it in 2019. It kept me sane during the first couple of months of lockdown, when I finished it. And now three years later, looking back, this wasn't just some fun project for me - I'm really, really proud of what I did here, and I want to take it further. 

So. The ultimate goal is to write a second draft, a third, maybe even a fourth and fifth to get this to where it needs to be to start querying agents and try to get it published. I've finished other novels before, but this one is special to me, and while I never intended for it to go somewhere, this is my brain child and I feel that the passion I had while writing it shows through in a way that my current projects don't.

I won't be posting any new drafts to Wattpad, as I'm more than a little paranoid about the whole copyright thing, but for those of you who have been avid supporters of the novel, back when it was being written for the first time and even now that it's been done a while: thank you so, so much. I'll keep you posted on any new updates about the novel as they come. I'm still working on the first draft of MoDF at the moment too, but I may or may not choose to restart it from scratch - it just doesn't have that IBS feel that I was hoping to replicate. Still, it's there, and I'm doing my McBest. 

I also eventually hope to start a second draft of "Nature Boy," which is still up on my profile and probably will be for a hot minute. If anyone would like to head over and criticize the shit out of that in the absence of IBS, I will love you forever and take note of everything. I also have a spin-off short story I've been thinking about for pretty much immediately after the events of IBS, following Gideon, so if I ever dip my toes into that then I'll likely post it here. Just a small thing for fun. 

Until next time! 

Seth Waylin

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