Chapter One~

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Chapter Two~

Dani POV~

There's a misconception that it's kill or be killed in the Riders Quadrant. Riders, as a whole, aren't out to assassinate other cadets...unless there's a shortage of dragons that year or a cadet is a liability to their wing. Then things may get...interesting.

-Major Afendra's Guide to the Riders Quadrant
(Unauthorized Edition)

I will not die today.

The words become my mantra, repeating in my head as Rhiannon and then Violet give their names to the rider keeping tally at the opening to the parapet. The hatred in Xaden's stare burns the side of my face like a palpable flame, and even the rain pelting my skin with each gust of wind doesn't ease the heat -or the shiver of dread that jolts down my spine.

Mike is dead, I might have never met him, but Violet had. Now he's just a name, another soon-to-be stone in the endless graveyards that line the roads to Basgiath, another warning to the ambitious candidates who would rather chance their lives with the riders than choose the security of any other quadrant. I get it now-why Mira warned me not to make friends.

Rhiannon grips both sides of the opening in the turret, then looks over her shoulder at me. "I'll wait for you on the other side," she shouts over the storm. The fear in her eyes mirrors my own.

"We'll see you on the other side." I nod and even manage a grimace of a smile.

She steps out onto the parapet and begins walking, and even though I'm sure his hands are full today, I send up a silent prayer to Zihnal, the god of luck. Violet smiles at me one last time, but we know not to have an emotional goodbye, it would just make things worst in the long run, so I smile back at her as she steps forward, Rhiannon making it about 20-40 steps in front of her before she steps on.

"Name?" the rider at the edge asks as his partner holds a cloak over the scroll in a pointless attempt to keep the paper dry.

"Dani Sorrengail," I answer as thunder cracks above me, the sound oddly comforting. I've always loved the nights where storms beat against the fortress window, both illuminating and throwing shadows over the books I curled up with, though this downpour might just cost me my life. With a quick glance, I see Mike's, Dylan's, Rhiannon's and Violet's names already blurring at the end where water has met ink. It's the last time Mike's name will be written anywhere but his stone. There will be another roll at the end of the parapet so the scribes have their beloved statistics for casualties. In another life, it would be me reading and recording the data for historical analysis.

"Sorrengail?" The rider looks up, his eyebrows rising in surprise. "As in General Sorrengail? She has a third daughter?" He asks in surprise and I sigh, knowing Mum always kept me in the dark, well until I started to sneak out and she couldn't really do anything about it.

"The same." Damn, that's already getting old, and I know it's only going to get worse. There's no avoiding the comparison to my mother, not when she's the commander here. Even worse, they probably think I'm a naturally gifted rider like Mira or a brilliant strategist like Brennan was. Or they'll take one look at me, realize I'm nothing like the three of them, and declare open season.

I place my hands on either side of the turret and drag my fingertips across the stone. It's still warm from the morning sun but rapidly cooling from the rain, slick but not slippery from moss growth or anything.

Ahead of me, Rhiannon is making her way across, Violet 40-50 steps behind her now, her hands out for balance. She's probably a fourth of the way, her figure becoming blurrier the farther she walks into the rain.

"I thought she only had two daughters?" the other rider asks, angling the cloak as another gust of wind blows into us. If it's this windy here, my bottom half sheltered by the turret, then l'm about to be in for a world of hurt on the parapet.

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