Chapter Five~

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Chapter Six~

It is my opinion that of all the signet powers riders provide, mending is the most precious, but we cannot allow ourselves to become complacent when in the company of such a signet. For menders are rare, and the wounded are not.

-Major Frederick's Modern Guide for Healers

"Fuck sake." I mutter, wiping my hand down my face as Dain picks Violet up and begins to take her to the infirmary, I can't come with her as I still have to have a fight but, I glare at the hot pink haired girl who smirks at me winking as she walks off and I sigh, hoping that the danger of all of this has finally hit Violet who had been seeming to be too optimistic about our chances.

When the truth is that 107 people want to kill us and that's including all of the marked ones and none of the other riders.

"Uh, other Cadet Sorrengail." Emetterio says and I groan, hoping other Sorrengail doesn't stick, I've always felt like second choice, I don't want my name to sound like second choice as well. "And Cadet Matthias." Okay, it's just Rhiannon, she won't hurt me to badly, right?

"Please don't kill me," I say with a straight face and she laughs shaking her head, Dylan snorting as he walks past us, Sawyer and him being the only two cadets who haven't fought yet, so they're obviously being paired together.

"Hey, how's as good as any time to start your training." She tells me shrugging and I give her a deadpan face.

"Just don't kill me and we'll be good." I nod as we both get onto the mat and she nods grinning teasingly as we both get into position.

"And time starts, now." Emetterio says and I sigh as we begin to circle each other, deciding to let Rhi go first to see what she'll do.

She immediately drives forward and goes in for a punch, which in block, though I know it's going to leave a very ugly bruise later, she goes in for a kick which I duck and roll under coming up, my knee and elbow both locking up before letting loose causing me to hiss as my vision also skews, as I look up at the girl I consider a friend. Her body looking like it's on an angle as I stand up properly.

Smiling nervously, I back up just as she goes in for a punch, which grazes my shoulder, which hurts like hell, especially after it locked up and loosened so quickly, and she comes closer swiping my feet out from underneath me and pinning me to the ground, my hands pinned up above my head by hers.

I smirk and wiggle my eyebrows teasingly at her and she laughs in amusement Emetterio glaring at us and I surrender.

"I yield, I'm honestly surprised I lasted as long as I did." She gets up and holds her hand out to me, and I take this as an opportunity to knock legs from out under her, her back, making a resounding smack against the mat as she lands and I press my lips together to try and hold in a laugh. She looks up and over at me, and tries to hold and angry expression though fails as we both start to laugh in amusement, Dylan shaking his head as he walks up to us, holding a hand out for both of us.

Rhiannon and I share a look however and he shakes his head quickly, with a resounding "No!" Though he doesn't get to back up in time as we both knock his legs out from under him and Dylan lands flat on his back groaning as Rhiannon and I laugh, high fiving as we stand, extending our hands out to Dylan who's laughs sarcastically when our faces come into view, though he does except our help instead of kicking our legs out from under us.

"Well that was fun." I grin as Rhi and I step off the mat, Dylan staying on it and Sawyer jumping on quickly after, and I have a feeling this fight might take a while, but I'm not exactly thrilled to go and see Vi while she's with Dain, she's always a different person when she's around him, always bending to his demands, and letting him man handle her, and from what I've heard of his signet, I am definitely not going to let him even touch me, I have depressing thoughts a lot, and I really don't want Dain of all people to know about them.

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