06: Sehun's Past and Present

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What is happening and why am I with this jerk. Yuri thought as she look sideways at Sehun who seems to be speeding right now.

Sehun looked impatient and frantic.
" May I know what is going to happen next to us at the speed you're going?" Yuri questioned with sarcasm in her tone.

Sehun started to slow down the speed of the car before he started speeding again.
Yuri sighed, being with him puts my life at risk.

They stopped in front of a big mansion as Sehun drive the car into the driveway as he then alight the car right in front of the grand door.

Sehun passed his butler the car key as he then asked, " How's mom?"

Mom? Wait, thinking of it. What did he want me to do?

Yuri glanced at the both of them as one question run through her mind.

" Madam is looking for you." The butler respond as Sehun simply nodded before he ushered Yuri to hurry up.

Sehun stretched his hand out to me as Yuri looked at it blindly, what does he want me to do?

" Hold my hand, we're gonna act as if we're a couple. That's what I want you to help me with." Sehun finally spoken as Yuri widened her eyes and her jaw dropped.

" WAIT WHAT. No, why? I'm not gonna do it." Yuri snapped as Sehun sighed.

" It's my...mom's wish for me to have a girlfriend." Sehun spoke, as he hung his head low and look down at his feet. But he's speaking somewhat in a desperate tone?

" But why me?"
"...You're the only girl I talk to."



" PFFT HAHA. Can I feel honored?" Yuri laughed out loud.
" Stop it," Sehun bit his lower lip as he looked at Yuri sincerely, " Uh, please? "

" But..." Yuri trailed off.

Sehun immediately took Yuri's hand in his as they barged into the house without waiting for Yuri's response.

" Mum!" Sehun yelled or you could say screamed out as Yuri widened her eyes.

" Sehun! Manners-" A woman being wheel chaired stopped in her tracks when she saw at Yuri.

" Who is..." His mother trailed off as her eyes landed on the couple's intertwined hands, "...this?"

" Mom, this's my girlfriend. Kwon Yuri." Sehun introduced.

Her mother raised her eyebrows as she asked Sehun, " She isn't like your previous one uh?"

Previous one? Oh Sehun used to have a girlfriend? Yuri thought.
She mentally slapped herself, of course. He's quite good looking, I'm still single...for 18 years.

Sehun's face hardened for a moment before he changed it back to his usual expression.
" Yes."

" Really?" Sehun's mother exclaimed in happiness.

" Hello..." Yuri greeted as she make sure to bow down 45 degrees.

" You're so beautiful..." His mother looked at Yuri as she invited her in.

But Yuri didn't move as she stared at Sehun blankly instead and Sehun looked back.

" I know both of you didn't want to separate for too long uh?" His mother teased as Yuri widened her eyes and her cheeks went red.

She immediately released her grip on Sehun and walked towards his mother.

Sehun realized what his mother meant and scratch the back of his neck awkwardly.

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