Chapter 31

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What can I say? Logan sure can sing, he's always been a great singer and the way his long fingers strum the guitar sends warm shivers up and down my spine. Please don't tell me, I'm having any kind of feelings because I buried them a long time ago, when he chose to stay here.

He finishes and winks. Damn him. He's so sure of himself but it does make me smile because of his gall. My heart flutters even though I want it to be made of stone as far as he is concerned.

The next thing I know he's standing right in front of me with something in his hand. "What are you doing?" I ask him, not before taking in his broad shoulders, those narrow hips and yes, okay so... my eyes did travel to his crotch. Quickly I look back up at his face and notice his shadow on his chin. My breath catches.

"I got you some ice for that ankle."

"Oh, right. Very thoughtful of you."

"I am a doctor. Just looking after my patient.

"I'm not your patient." It feels like we are the only two people in the bar right now, the way he's looking at me with his warm eyes that hold a smile, his crooked grin, his dimple. Lordy, am I having hot flushes? Surely it's not the start of my menopause. Get a check on yourself Sage.

Logan kneels down on one leg and gently lifts my resting leg up. He places the pack wrapped in a chequered tea towel underneath. My breath catches again as his fingertips brush my ankle. Butterflies rage in my stomach and a warmth creeps up my body.

"There, that should feel better. You need a tight bandage on that." He tells me, his fingers still resting on my ankle. Why don't I tell him to get them off? Why am I rendered speechless?

"Are you proposing down there?" Daisy says. Where did she come from?

"Are you kidding, this one is like the ice maiden." Logan says. I go to kick him with my leg but the pain from my ankle sears up my lower leg. Damnit.

"Logan, you're such a jerk. Thanks for the ice pack now you can leave me alone. Daisy, I need a ride home." I tell her. She sits down next to me and places her left hand on my right thigh.

"Oh no you don't. I think you've been doing too much running away, Sage. 'Bout time you stuck around. Besides Linnie is playing next and you love her music." It's true, I do love Linnie's music. She has one of the finest female country voices I've heard even better than some of the top music artists out there. Why nobody has snapped her up is beyond me, unless you count Abe. I'm sure there's a story brewing there. My mother told me that she'd seen them on several occasions walking out together. So old fashioned, right? My mother is kind of stuck in some different era than the rest of us.

"I'll stay for her set, then please take me home." I am almost begging her.

"No can do, I promised Deacon I'd stay and keep him company." Daisy says a little too smugly for my liking. I narrow my eyes and glare at her. "But Logan here, he'll keep you company then take you home. Now you enjoy the rest of the evening, Sage." And with that she's up and off leaving me with man mountain in front of me, with his feet hip width apart and his crotch practically in my face. I'm all hot and flustered, my throat is dry. I remember only too well how those hips can thrust.

I can feel the damn heat rising up my neck and to my face. "You okay there, Sage? You're looking a bit hot under the collar." I guess it was nice of him to think of me with brining an ice pack. Maybe I could relent some. My mother said something the other day that of course I plain old ignored.

"It's time to let the past be the past, Sage darling. It's no different you having left him all those years ago to what you're going through with that twerp, Miles." She'd said in the kitchen over our pancakes and coffee. And I guess she has a point.

When you're young, however, it's the end of the world, everything is the end of the world from your hair not turning out the right shade, to putting on a single pound, your boyfriend not wanting to come to Michigan with you. It left me unable to think straight. I thought I was his life. Now I'm slowly coming to realize my mother is right. I did exactly to him what Miles has just done to me. I upped and left the only difference is that I did discuss it with Logan.

"I'm fine. But could you please take your dick out of my face. It's disturbing me some." He roars out with laughter, it's deep and throaty. Am I seriously getting wet panties over Logan? Please somebody kill me right now. This cannot be happening.

For one, I'm not staying.

For two, I can't go back

For three, I'm sure I'll come up with a reason.

"Alright, darlin'. Let me go and get you some nice warm cider, you know to thaw you out a little. We don't want you to be the ice maiden forever." God, he thinks he is so funny. I fold my arms in front of me. Warm cider does sound nice though.

"Well hello, Sage. How are you?" Mr Wilkes who runs the hardware store sits down next to me. He hasn't changed a bit since I've been gone, same grey hair, round spectacles, ruddy face. "It's so good to see you around again. And with that nice boy of yours." Shoot me please.

"He's not my boy Mr Wilkes." I am trying to remain polite with a fake smile on my face.

"Nonsense, you two belong together. Damn shame you ran off like you did."

"Excuse me." Now's he has really got me. "I did not run off anywhere. I followed my dream to work in a state hospital. I told him I was going but he chose to stay here."

"Well, you're here now. You can change all of that, the way that lost man looks at you, it's like watching a forlorn kid. I hope you're not going to let him down again, Sage." He gets up and moves over to a nearby table where he joins the older members of Willowbrook. I'm left totally flummoxed. This town, these people. If they all think I have any intentions of getting back with Logan they're hugely mistaken.

"About the practice." Jeez, he gave me a shock. I didn't see Logan coming towards me. He hands me the warm cider mug. "Have you decided?"

"Fine, I'll help but only until I get a better offer in a state hospital." I check myself, did I really just say that? What the hell is wrong with me?

"That would be amazing. Once you get stuck in, trust me, Sage you won't ever want to leave Willowbrook again." He looks hugely confident, as I raise my eyebrows. There must be something in the water they're all drinking. "Look forward to having you on board. We'll get the papers drawn up over the next couple of days, by which time your ankle should be a lot more comfortable and get you all settled in." Logan sits back against the sofa and drapes his left arm across the top. His fingertips graze my shoulder. The warmth, his closeness, his fragrance, his stubble, those eyes. Lord it's intoxicating.

I am going to have to watch it because the last thing I can afford to do is let my traitorous body get the better of me. But damn if he isn't so fine and sexy, then I don't honestly know what is. 

Healing Hearts: A Second Chance Romance. Book1 of The Willowbrook SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now