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We walked outside and got into his car. We talked for a little bit but then we just sat in a comfortable silence jamming out to music. All of a sudden Marry You by Bruno Mars started playing. I felt eyes staring down at me so I quickly looked up. Brennen smiled at me and kissed the top of my head. "Ahhh I love you buttercup." I giggled at the cute nickname, "I love you too toots." We both laughed. Ee drove around a while longer and stopped at the Silent Disco. "This place is so cool!" I said. "Yeah I know." He smiled we both walked up and payed to get in and grabbed our headphones and started dancing to our music. I was listening to We Will Rock You. I started jamming out and looked up to see Brennen laughing at me. I poured and mothed "You know you like it." he mouthed back "Why yes I do." I smirked and kept dancing. About an hour later both of us were tired and ready to go. Aling the way to our next stop we went to the inside Ice Skating Rink. We skated together holding hands, I fell on my butt a lot. "Brennen how are you able to stay so level? Have you done this before?" "Nope this is my first time." he laughed. I gasped it's like he's good at everything! We continued skating and then he started complaining saying he was gonna get foot blisters I laughed and then we went to the next stop. I fell asleep along the way. When I woke up I was laying on a bed with Brennen shaking me. "Yes?" I asked. "I bought you a dress go out it on." He walked away. I sat up and looked at my closet door. There hung a beautiful red night gown it had a clit going down from the waist and on merge ground stood black pumps. I shrieked "THANKS BABY!!" I could hear him snickering all the way in my room. I quickly showered got dressed and curled my hair. I walked out and went to find Brennen. he was dressed in a black suit with a red tie to match my dress. "You look stunning." He whispered. "Thanks. You look handsome as well." I whispered back. he hooked his arm with mine and opened the car door for me. We drove in complete silence. Maybe 20 minutes later we arrived at a beautiful Italian restraunt. We were immediately seated and given wine. "This place is really fancy huh?" I said. "Only the best for my baby." I smiled at him. A waitress came over and took our orders. I ordered Beef Brasato and Brennen ordered Pappardelle. Lemme just tell you now that the food was delicious. Once we were done eating Brennen said " Alena, you know how we've been dating for a while now?" I nodded for him to continue "Well I don't want to date anymore..." I nodded expecting the worse. "I want to marry you." I gasped and he walked in front of me and vended down on one knee and pulled out a ring and said " Marry me Alena? I'm desperately in love with you and I never want to be with out you." By this time I had tears in my eyes and I started nodding not being able to form words. He smiled up at me and slid this beautiful heart ring in crested with little diamonds. I gasped grabbed his face softly and kissed him. We heard clapping around us and we broke away from the kiss. He smiled at me again and I'm pretty sure I looked like a fool because I could not wipe this smile off my face. This day really was an adventure.

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