Chapter 36: Secrecy

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The empty city shut its eyes to our intentions as we flipped the headlights off. Parking lights guided us between two buildings across the street from our target. We stood in the shadows of the looming new wind, away from prying eyes and lenses. Victor was nowhere in sight, but Rusty came around the other side of the building as silent as snow. Expecting a wing attack, I kept my eyes peeled for movement as we crossed the street.

"You better not be fucking with me. I'm not in the mood."

"I'm not. There's a room in here that isn't on the floor plans."

"Not possible. Mom was a hawk with all the details from the beginning."

"Valerie just thinks she knows everything."

He motioned towards the door. Danger tingled along my skin. A secret room? Kian and I glanced hesitantly at each other. The wind whipped around us, urging us forward. He stood statuesque, a decoration to the entrance. Desire crawled up my legs, and it was time for ancient statues to crumble. A guttural growl emanated from Kian as we passed in front. My hand gripped the door.

"The alarm?" I asked.

"Already disabled."

His fangs extended as he pushed the door open. The emergency lights bathed the floor in red. Rusty moved in a breath of wind while we weaved in and out of the stacks of books. The staircase rose from the darkness. Kian's hand on my lower back brought little comfort.

Once at the top, Rusty walked up to the wall on the right and shifted the tag on the painting slightly. A door slowly popped out of the wall. He leaned against it, and it swung open. As we went through, we were on the landing of a large two story room. Two figures stood to the far side of the room, but there wasn't enough light to discern detail.

"I would like for you to meet my friend, Ladislav. We go back many centuries."

"What the fuck?"

We climbed down the stairs, descending into a hellscape. Victor stood next to a taller gentleman, unchained and free. He shifted his weight, and despite the lack of energetic confirmation, I salivated. My prize. My ultimate revenge. I crept forward like a panther, but Rusty stepped between us.

"I told you we had him."

"And? Hand him over."

"Also, I can smell the darkness in your blood. I don't give a shit what you do with Victor, but you're not leaving until you've been cleansed."

Blue smoke engulfed Victor, solidifying a case around him. Thrusting my magic at the case, it was impossible to penetrate. In a flash of bright light, Victor disappeared, and Roxie appeared in his place. My blood boiled up my limbs until it exploded in my chest. A low growl came from Kian, and we advanced on them. Ladislav stepped in front of Rusty.

"You lied to me, and I wasn't exactly in the mood to be lied to."

"I'm single handedly stronger than all of you combined. You need healing."

"What makes you think we wish to be healed?"

"One never wishes for freedom from the darkness, but it is what needs to happen." He got within arms length.

"This is bullshit."

The situation was turning against us, and it was time to leave. I readied myself to attack, but my body sluggishly responded. Kian sprang into action, coming around from behind me. He took a swing at Ladislav, but his arm froze in mid-air before he made contact. Deep purple bolts flew from my fingertips, and instead of plunging into him, they deflected off without harm. Kian's midnight blue fell to the same effect.

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