The great nuclear war

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Monsters are real... but they aren't big and scary. The monsters that I'm speaking of have families and build societies, but they also destroy them.
Humans are the biggest threat in life. They start unnecessary wars and drag innocent lives into them. But who would have thought they would go as far of ruining the world and turning it into a wasteland?
In the year 2012, one of the biggest wars in history had begun. At first, it was just like any other war, but then the great leaders started to use nuclear weapons to kill each other. The nuclear war had started and people were dying everyday like dropping flies. Many families had been ended and chaos was all around.
But one day, a major terrorist group decided that humanity doesn't deserve to live in this cruel world, so they built a bomb. That bomb wasn't an ordinary one, it was the biggest nuclear bomb known to men. When that bomb got dropped on the world at the year 2014, 90%  of all creatures had either died from the bomb, the toxic air the nuclear bomb caused or they had mutated and turned into a disgusting beast. The world was hit and dry, there was barely any food or water left so only about 8% of humans had survived.
10 years had passed after the nuclear war had ended and humans had either started small settlements to save others or turned into savage thieves and raiders.
What will happen now? Is humanity doomed? Or will humans continue to survive and thrive again and build the world ones more? ( read more to find out)

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