The Ambush

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It was yet another dry day for Rainer, a merciless raider who wandered the wastelands and laid waste to settlements. He was notorious for his cold heart and merciless demeanor. A man such as him could never love or be loved by anyone - only feared.

Rainer devised a plan to ambush a trading post between the settlements of Haven and Eden. He understood the risks involved but thrived on the adrenaline.

Weeks of meticulous preparation had gone into planning for this moment. Rainer and his crew had been meticulously getting ready for the upcoming encounter with the trading parties from the settlements. With just five individuals in each group, Rainer's crew readied themselves at the location, hidden from view. As Rainer knelt down, he unfurled a map of the trading post, his expression grim and determined. In a low, chilling tone, he declared, "We'll surprise them from the rear," his words evoking a mix of fear and respect from his crew, who nodded in silent agreement.

As Rainer's crew reloaded their weapons, Chip, one of the crew members, kept a sharp lookout through his binoculars. "Rainer, the package has arrived!" Chip declared in a hushed yet thrilled tone. he handed the binoculars to Rainer. Rainer chuckled with a devious grin and motioned for his crew to advance. "Let's move, boys!"

...Meanwhile, amidst the hustle and bustle, the two trade parties finally reached the trading post. At the forefront of Eden's party strode a confident woman, her keen eyes scanning the surroundings. Beside her, four strong men toiled under the weight of heavy crates, their footsteps marking a determined path forward. As they arrived at the bustling trading post, they abruptly halted their movements. "Carefully place these crates over there," directed Agatha, a woman known for her unwavering precision. "And handle them with caution, as the contents are delicate." her men hurriedly placed the crates and awaited the other party to arrive.

Agatha fidgeted in her seat as the minutes ticked by. The familiar feeling of irritation crept in as she realized that, once again, the party from The Haven was late. It was a typical occurrence, but it never failed to irk her. At last, the party from The Haven emerges, led by the charismatic blonde man named Claude. Agatha rises from her seat, her arms crossed in frustration.
"Always late, Claude," she snaps, her tone dripping with anger.
Claude raises his hands, palms facing outwards, and lets out a chuckle. "Well, I'm here now, aren't I?" he says nonchalantly, with a hint of amusement in his voice.  Agatha let out a deep and exasperated sigh while rolling her eyes dramatically. "Let's just get this over with," she muttered, her frustration evident in her tone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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