Once he goes back home :(

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(Again, this takes place after the 'good ending' *most will* so this is cannon Micah.)

Micah eventually has to go home after giving you your stuffed animal :(((

"Do you have to leave?" You plead.

"Oh? are you saying you'll miss me? you, missing me, Micah Yujin??" He teases.

You glare at him.

"Only your cooking, and cleaning." You admit.

"Well, you can cook and clean by yourself >:(" he pouts.

"Nope can't do it, ill starve to death~ you don't want your beautiful rival to disintegrate all by himself/themself/herself do you?" you whine.

"Awh, well I suppose we can't have that happening, can we? ill just have to visit sometime soon. And maybe I'll bring Skrunkly~"

"You better >:(" You pout at him.

You've been holding onto the cuff of his oversized hoodie for about five minutes, trying to convince him not to leave. just trying to think of any excuse to make him stay. He was standing in the door frame of your bedroom, he didn't look like he wanted to leave either. But he only booked Skrunkly a pet sitter for a week, he needed to get back home. But the face you were making was so pleading- No, he has to leave, even your best Skrunkly sad eyes can make him stay.

"please micahhhhh." you really don't want him to know, but you won't say it directly. that would just be admitting defeat. and you both knew that was never gonna happen.

"I'll come back soon angel, I promise, but you have to let me pack, my plane leaves in three hours, plus I have work." he sighs. you are making this REALLY hard for him. he already dint want to leave. He picks you up to where your legs are wrapped around his waist and your head is on his shoulder. you know he's strong from his... hacking reward that one time but damn, doing curl up and picking up a person are two different things, and Micah is apparently good at both.

"Come one angel, I have some packing to do."

you try to snuggle into his neck, but he's constantly moving to get all of his things out of your house/apartment, but he was still comfortable. You stick your hands in his hair and toy with it while he folds his clothes and gets all his travel stuff. As he was slowly getting closer to leaving you were getting sadder. sure, it has only been a week, but it was an amazing week and you're going to miss sleeping next to him. And his cooking. And his singing. You were going to miss him. Stupid busy life.

"I need to put you down for a sec ang-" "nuh-uh not allowed not gonna" you cut him off. if he was gonna leave you were gonna cling until he has to pry you off of him.

"Angel? are you really going to miss me this much?" he giggles.
"no, I'm just cold." your never cold, and defiantly not now.

"Okay you big freezy pop, come one, hop down. Ang- come one-... HAHA NO PLEASE!"

You're tickling his sides, and Micah almost falls, but he steers himself to fall back-first on the bed, leaving you on top of him. in a pretty suggestive position, I might add, but you don't seem to care, you just want to get a couple more giggles out of Micah until he has to go away.

"Ah- my sides hurt, please angel. have mercy!"

He pretends to die in an overly cartoony way while you sit up and giggle at the now dead-but-not-really Micah Yujin. He sits up, pulling you into his lap, and into a hug.

"You can just say you'll miss me, because I'll miss you more. I swear I'll come back. I just need a while."

he whispers into your ear. Whenever he does that, he's either trying to fluster you or comfort you. Here it was both. You try not to tear up, like really try. but it's hard when the love of your life is going away after just walking in.

"You better fuckin call everyday Micah." you grumble.

"I will! I will! now please, if you would. maybe take me to the airport?" he asks.

"mhm" you hum.

As you get off of his lap you make sure to give him a few kisses before walking towards his luggage, which wasn't much, two small bags with a little box from which the little pink dinosaur was brought in.

"Oh, I forgot to give you something!" Micah yells.

He turns around and hands you... a bottle of cologne? you take a whiff and it's his cologne, it smells like light vanilla and something else you can't quite figure out. then he took the bottle out of your hands and sprayed it on the dino plush he gave you.

"Oh, thank you Micah, this is... really thoughtful." it might come off a bit snarky, but you meant it. you were going to miss his sweet vanilla sent, it did what lavender did for a lot of people, it calmed you down, and made you sleepy or at least calm.

you grab his upper arm and walk out to the car. he drives seeing that he's better at it then you. but you won't say that. Once you get to the airport you have to say goodbye.

You try not to start crying again as he parks the car. You look over to see him biting his lips (in a nervous kind if way) and then he looks at you. he looks like how you feel, shaken and sad. your gonna really miss having him around.

"d-do you want to walk me in ang?" he asks a little shaky. You have no idea why this was so sad, you hadn't met Micah irl until six days ago, but he was somehow more charming once he was actually there. As you walk him in, he is hugging your back as you walk, causing him to lean a little funny. but him nor you cared, he wanted to touch you before he left, he dints seem as clingy online but your glad you're not the only one.

you walk him to the scanners.

"I can't go any further Micah." he was quiet and let you go. Now that it was happening you weren't as upset as you thought you'd be, but it was still sad to see him go.

"Can I get a goodbye kiss?" he asks, you know he just wanted to fluster you before he left but you couldn't say no to it.

"Sure." you get close to him, and get up on your toes, and you're going in for a pec, but Micah has a different plan. once you try to pull away, he grabs your hips and keeps you there, giving you small kisses for another little bit. once he finally lets go he looks at you, your face, your outfit, you.

"Goodbye ang, call you when I get home?"

"You better."

you jump up and give him one more kiss before waving him off and going back to your car. once you get to your car you put on a playlist Micah had made, it was full of music you dint normally listen to, but it was good non the less. you already missed him.

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