micah and a self cautious reader

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Quick !TRIGGER WARNING! This one-shot contains anxiety and body dysmorphia/dysphoria/appearance problems! Stay safe! love you all :D also this one-shot contains a shower bit and confrontation on said body issues. (Hinted at AFAB reader but no specific body parts or pronouns!)

You're out on a quick run from a store or restaurant, wherever you had needed to go today. You had picked big baggy clothes this morning feeling more ick when you looked at yourself then normal. so now here you are, jogging quietly to your car as it starts to sprinkle/snow. It's cold, you're tired and feel like all of the people were looking at you as you leave. You felt people's eyes on you but when you looked around you could see no sign of anyone taking interest in you.

You quickly found your car and hopped in, waiting patiently for it to warm up, collecting your thoughts and attempting to breathe a little. Your anxiety has been worse recently, and it could be due to several other factors but you're not sure which ones in particular.

You turn on some tunes to calm down and drive home through the traffic and rain/snow.

You finally pull into your driveway, seeing Micah's car parked neatly in its spot. You grab your things and walk into the house quietly. Still collecting yourself. You see Micah sitting on the couch looking at you as you step in, quieter than usual.
"Hello~ angel. Enjoy your trip out? "
You quietly nod.

You feel tired, and still a little cautious of your looks, it's not horrible, in fact Micah makes it a little better with his constant praise. But cautious enough that you didn't want him to bring up or even look at certain parts of your body today. You look back at Micah, but he seeming seems to not have notice anything. Which isn't normal but you don't mind, actually you prefer him not bringing this up.

You slowly walk into your room to change into pj's. Very, very baggy pj's. you avoid mirrors and change quickly. Slowly crawling into bed, you just want to sleep today. But as you slowly make your way into the plush covers and soft bed, you hear a knock.

"Hey~ ang, you forgot we were gonna watch that new puss in boots movie!" Micah says looking at you excitedly. You smile, getting up, trying no to show your exhaust. And succeeding.

He carries to the couch, you laying across the couch and your head on his lap. His dark gray sweatpants a very soft and comfortable pillow along with Micah's squishy thighs. (btw go watch the new puss in boots the animation is phenomenal and the overall writing and plot is great 20/10 in my book).

The movie is fun, and to your surprise very creative (ill stop now lol). Micah seems to enjoy it too. He hums to the credits music as the movie ends. Seeming content with spending more time with Micah, feeling better. You ask

"What next goofy?" he whips his head in return to the nickname.

"Hmmm, well~ I could use a shower just about now, and your shoulders seem tense, soooo~"

He says, pausing at your sudden glance of horror. Well, it isn't really horror, more like anxiety, mixed with amusement at the suggestion of it. You quickly turn your look of horror/anxiety, purely into a look of amusement to mask the fear.

"I'll take that look as a yes?" he asks.

You want to say no, you know you need to say no but for some reason you just cant. You don't want him to think something's wrong with him or you. So like an idiot you nod.

He quickly picks you up and carries you to the bathroom. He slowly sets you down on the sink counter and turns on the water. He keeps it warm, not hot but not cold, more on the warmer side.

You both just awkwardly sit there while waiting for the other to strip. But neither of you would.

After a few seconds or minutes of strange stares the tension lightens up when Micah strips and hops into the shower waiting for you.

Micah's seen you naked before, plenty of times. But normally its dark, or hard to make out everything he's seeing, giving you a sense of security and less anxiety. But this time you'd have no such thing, its late evening, but the lights in your bathroom are on and there's nothing to hid under now. No clothes, no blankets, and you can't wear a towel in the shower without some questions.

"You coming ang?" Micah asks peeking through the curtains.

"I-uh... maybe?" well that was a shit answer.

"You okay? He asks, head popping out once more.

"I-yeah, just need a minute or two.."
you say, the distress leaking through your voice despite your efforts.

"(y/n) Come'er" he says in a soft tone.

You feel your shoulders and jaw tighten. His wet arms reach out for your hands, and you give him your dry ones.

"You okay? Actually, okay? You seem nervous, more so then, uh- forget that part." He asks, stumbling on his words a little with concern, his frame slouched a little with concern along with the curtains being open more than they should be-..

You look away in respect but also because you wouldn't have wanted him to look at you if the situation was flipped.

"I umh, its nerve racking to be so uh naked around another person." You reply, jaw untightening for a moment.

"oh, I had a feeling but dint know if It was right to bring up. You.. you know I think you're-"

"Please, don't. I, I don't think.. just please don't."

He nods and quietly pulls you close to the rim of the tub, giving you a very damp hug. He slowly steps out, wrapping himself in a towel, and hugging you and your now very soggy outfit.

He gives you a green dino hoodie of his along with some PJ pants of yours. You change in the bathroom, again avoiding mirrors. Once you emerge from the restroom Micah is snugly in a matching purple hoodie and PJ pants similar to yours. You slowly flop into bed, greeted by warm arms in big baggy purple sleeves. You both laid in weirdly comfortably-uncomfortable-silence. Uncomfortable because Micah wasn't trying to fix everything like normal, and comfortable because he wasn't asking questions and just slowly rubbing your back and shoulders.

You want to cry and apologize for not being capable of a seemingly simple thing. But you know Micah doesn't care. He just wants you to feel better.

"Feel any better?" he asks quietly.

"Less nervous I mean. I know stuff like that doesn't just evaporate but do you feel better emotionally?" he corrects.

"yeah." You reply in a short quiet whisp.

"wanna watch ghostbusters?" he asks, with a smile you can almost hear.


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