🍋spending time together (AFAB VER! no specific pronouns)

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(This takes place a few months AFTER you and Micah start dating. and also, its not like SMUT smut it's just like handjobs :/) You're a bit of a switch but overall, but you're the dom in this one. hehe


It's around 4:00pm, and you're waiting for Micah to finish his programing for the day. He's been in his 'programing/gaming room' for a few hours now, and you feel lonely. So you decide to walk over and pop your head in. As you look around, Micah facing the other way. you hear the music he's listening to, and it's a song you both enjoy. He slowly turns around after hearing a creek from the floor.

"Oh, hay ang', I was just about to finish up, need something?" he asks, slowly standing up to walk to you.

"No, just wanted to see what you were up to, I'm bored." you look around a bit more to see he's added more lights in here since you were here last.

"Did my little Angel miss me?" he asks, with pleading eyes.

"In your dreams."

"You know it~" he replies, snarky as ever.

He shuts his computer and hugs you. For the record he was blushing just as much as you were. You weren't going to tell him, but you did miss him. The next thing you know, Micah's picked you up and is taking you somewhere, all you do is curl into him, letting him.

"Sleepy?" he asks, looking down at his sleepy partner/boyfriend/girlfriend.

"No, just comfortable." you reply, hanging onto his hoodie.

he sets you down on your bed. you have a few hours to cuddle before dinner, Micha had wanted cheeseburgers, so that's what you're having. Micah lays down next to you, slowly moving to cuddle you. he looks tired or at least needed a break after work. so, you both lay there, just enjoying spending time together. he was warm, and soft both on his clothes, and him himself.

"Mhhh." he groans, nothing was wrong, he was just tired.

eventually you both fall asleep.

Micah wakes up, heart beating, sweaty. he looks over to see you still asleep, thankfully. he slowly gets out of the bed, trying not to wake you as he attempts to walk to the bathroom. He may or may not have had a wet dream about you.
But he failed, and as he got up you awoke. He dosn't notice you slowly sit up, as he scurries off.

"Mhh, Micah? what's wrong?"

Normally if he woke up before you, he would cuddle you, so when he left you alone you assumed something was wrong.

"I- Nothing Ang, I just need to do something." he refuses to face you and continues to walk away.

"Are you sure?" you ask concerned.


"Cou-...Could it maybe wait, I'm cold and miss you :(" You don't know what's wrong, but something is clearly up.

"Yeah I-I guess it can wait." he says turning towards you. Out of the many times Micah's slept next to you, normally if this happens, he can scurry off without you noticing. But not this time. He awkwardly tries to slither back into the bed, without touching you, and you notice the distance. You attempt to cuddle him, but he pushes you away.

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