*{Leo is gone..}*

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Jason's pov

"Leo was found dead in bunker 9. He committed suicide." Will told us.

no no no no no. He's not dead. He can't be dead.
"That's a bad joke Will." I told Will, he can't be dead.

"Im sorry Jason, but it's true." Will told me. He was lying. He had to be.

"Will stop lying. H-He can't be dead!" I yelled, tears starting to form.

I looked at the others wanting to see their reaction.

Piper's pov

"Leo was found dead in bunker 9. He committed suicide." Will told us.

What? No. He-He couldn't- no! I heard Jason talking, and will responding. I don't know what he said.

No, Leo can't be dead. My best friend. No no no. He just came back. H-he can't be dead!

Percy's pov

"Leo was found dead in bunker 9. He committed suicide." Will told us.

what? No. Leo can't be dead. Why would he.. why would he kill himself? I looked up to see Jason in denial.

"Do you know why he killed himself?" I asked Will.

"No. All we know is that he was facing a lot. He had cuts on his arms, they looked self made. He also left a note, I'll give it to you."

Will handed me the note.

Annabeth's pov

"Leo was found dead in bunker 9. He committed suicide." Will told us.

What? No, Leo didn't.. no he did..why though? There was some speaking then Will handed Percy a note.

Hazel's pov

"Leo was found dead in bunker 9. He committed suicide." Will told us.

No. No no no. Why would he? I heard some speaking, my eyes widened when I found out that Leo self h@rmed. Will then handed Percy a note.

Frank's pov

"Leo was found dead in bunker 9. He committed suicide." Will told us.

I froze. I didn't know how to react(aka I don't know how to make Frank react.) I watched as Will handed Percy a note, Percy then read the note out loud.

Nico's pov

"Leo was found dead in bunker 9. He committed suicide." Will told them.

I knew he was telling the truth because I found Leo's body. I was gonna ask him if he seen Jason but then I saw his body on the ground and I sensed death.

After a bit of speaking Percy read out the note that Leo wrote before he died.

Will's pov

"Leo was found dead in bunker 9. He committed suicide." I told them sadly.

They were all shocked, after some talking. Percy read out the note that Leo wrote.

Percy's pov again.

The note said:

To: whoever cares enough to read this

Hello. As you probably can guess, I've committed suicide. Now don't expect this to be all sappy and schist cause it won't be. All I have to say is I'm sorry and it's not your fault. It's my fault for being a burden. I should of stayed dead when I killed gaea.

So farewell, I hope you have a nice life without me.

-Leo valdez

538 words

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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