Chapter 11

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Katey's POV

Once Connor left, I got dressed. The last thing I wanted to do today was sit here all by myself and mope. I knew that my car was still in the garage, and that I had plenty of money. I could do whatever I pleased.

As I was putting on my makeup I realized that as much as I had dreamed about going to Brighton, I never had. It was only about a two hour drive from the house. Maybe a day or two there would be beneficial to me, give me some space to think and calm down. Plus, I haven't seen a beach in years, it might not be like Florida or anything, but it was a beach.

I quickly grabbed the box that had my more beach like clothes and stuffed them into my suitcase. I stuffed a few towels and bathing suits in it. By the time I was finished, I was almost giddy with excitement. Finally, I could have an actual break from the craziness that was my life.

Part of me wanted to call up Mae, and ask if she wanted to accompany me, but I knew that she would want to ask about Connor or talk about Alex, that wasn't what I wanted. I could, for once, have a nice few days where it was just me all alone, and nobody would have any clue who I was. Mae would understand.

After I had finally packed, loaded my car, and put my convertible top down, I set off for Brighton. I had plugged my phone into my stereo and started blaring the latest All Time Low album, Future Hearts. I couldn't help but to scream the lyrics to every song. I felt good.

Even though I'm 18, I have had more put on me than most adults have in this past year. I don't feel like I'm just 18. Except that right now with my hair whipping in the breeze and a solo road trip I feel 18 for once. I just turn the radio up and smile a little bigger. This is what life should be, says a little voice in the back of my mind, I can't help but to wonder if it's right.

This past year has been a whirlwind of events, wonderfully terrible events. Every place that I have in this world to call home is so tainted with painful memories that feeling happy there is nearly impossible. America just doesn't feel right to me, once I got a taste of the English culture and lifestyle, I honestly couldn't go back to America and be completely happy, but London is too busy for me. Honestly, it would be so unrealistic for me to try to live by myself in a strange place, but god, if it felt half as good as this drive is, I would in a heartbeat.

I mentally cheered as I saw the "Welcome to Brighton" sign, I did it! I was here! As I drove through the town, I had the biggest grin possible on my face. Everything here was so quaint, it was my kind of perfect. It was nowhere big as London, it was a lot prettier, the air smelled better, the people looked more interesting. This is definitely the best place I could've chosen to come.

I drove around, searching for a hotel that had vacancy and was garbage. I finally settled on some chain hotel that had a pretty cheap suite that was nice, and a lot of reviews on yelp said that they didn't have bedbugs, so that was great. I took all my bags to the room and laid on the bed, which was very fluffy, waiting for sleep to wash over me.

Connor's POV

I paced around the room, as I waited for Alisa. I had talked her out of an abortion for now, and insisted that she go and see a doctor immediately. The doctor was going to check on her and the baby, making sure everything was okay, and determine a due date. I hope that this would make her realize that this baby is actually a baby, not just a little bundle of cells. This baby could already have a heartbeat.

"I have the due date." Alisa said as she walked out of the patient area, "February 18th." I couldn't help but to smile a small grin. I was sort of excited.

"Okay, that's good." I nodded. "I think I need to head home. I didn't get a lot of sleep last night. Text me if you need me." I waved and got in my car, eager to get back to Katey. I knew I shouldn't have been a jerk to her this morning, but I just couldn't help it. I mean, I could but I tend to be an asshole.

"Katey!" I called as I walked into the house, I waited for a reply, but I got nothing. I went up stairs to find a note scribbled on the bed.

'Went to find myself, be back soon.
XX Katey.'

I laid the note on the dresser and took my phone out to call her. It rang six times before it went to her voicemail. I decided to text her. 'Everythings okay, sorry for running out on you this morning. Hope you find what you're looking for. Be safe.' I clicked send.

I put my phone on charge and curled up in my bed that smelled like Katey, and fell into a peaceful slumber.

Hey guys! I tried to make this update longer! First off, thank you so much for reading! If you have any feedback to over be sure to tell me in the comments. Secondly, I know Katey was originally 16, well her age now is 18 along with Mae. Alex and Connor are 20, as is Alisa. Thirdly, I started this whole story in like 2010, it takes place present day though. Fourthly, about the abortion thing, everything I say about it is Connor's opinion, not necessarily mine. Please vote, comment, and share this story with your friends! Thank you!

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