Chapter 4

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"He's back with his ex." Alex sighed, "She's back and bitchier than ever. His mother is freaking out."

"What? He's dating Alisa?" My heart dropped into my stomach. Tears were threatening to spill.

"I really didn't want to tell you, but you needed to know. Plus, his mom is flying out in a few hours, you definitely needed a heads up on that. She's been all tears since you left." I heard Mae talking in the background, then I heard Connor's voice.

"Put him on, Al." Which was probably the stupidest thing I've said in years.

Within five seconds Connor was on the phone, "Katelyn, hello." His words slurred, he was drunk. Of course he would be, it was 4 in the morning in England. None of them would be awake if they weren't drinking. Even though I had made the choice to leave I wished so hard I could be there with them. I was intensely jealous.

"What the hell are you doing?" I spat into the phone, "Are you an idiot? Connor you told me you hated her, you said your parents hate her, I know Alex sure as hell does. I know that you might be hurting or whatever, but this isn't the answer."

"Kate, I'm not upset over you. Don't ever think I am." He laughed humorlessly, "The only thing I'm upset over is the fact my babies are dead. Other than that I'm happier than I've ever been." I wanted to collapse, I was okay, I wasn't thinking about the babies until now. Until Connor mentioned them.

"Connor, stop it." I whispered, "I know you're upset about the b-babies, I am too. I lost them too." My voice was thick with the tears I hadn't shed yet.

I heard Connor use a few choice curse words, "I'm sorry, Katey, I shouldn't have let him talk to you. That was a bad idea. He's a shitty person when he's drunk, his body doesn't handle it very well. One time this girl at a bar wouldn't sleep with him, but was interested in me and he told everyone I was gay and wanted to hook up with him."

I couldn't help but to laugh, but laughs soon turned to sobs. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm just really tired right now and thinking about the babies does that to me."

"Katey, don't apologize to me because you're crying. You have every right to cry, it's fine. I love you, Mae loves you. We will see you soon. Get some rest, okay?" Alex was honestly one of my best friends, he's honestly better than most of my old friends to be honest.

I did exactly what I was told and went fast to sleep. I had a dreamless sleep until Fairy woke me up bark her little head off. I looked at my clock and it was almost 2 in the afternoon. I picked Fairy up and held her to my chest to calm her down. I heard voices downstairs, and I remembered what Alex had told me. Connor's mom was coming.

I jumped out of bed and ran down the stairs, before I reached the bottom she was already walking up the stairs to greet me. "Katey!" She exclaimed and hugged me tightly. "How are you? Are you doing better? You look like your been eating better."

I nodded, "I have been, I'm okay. How are you? I talked to Alex last night and he said you've been upset, and then I spoke to Connor and..." I stopped talking, I didn't care to continue.

"You spoke to him? Did you get him to come round?" She asked, hope gleaned in her eyes.

I shook my head, sighing, "I think I did the exact opposite if I'm going to be honest with you. He told me he was the happiest he's been in a long time and that he would never be sad over me." I swallowed, continuing, "The only thing he was sad over is the babies. After that Alex took the phone. Connor was too drunk, he was slurring all his words." I added partially to defend him, even though he doesn't  deserve it. And partially to convince myself that he wouldn't do that sober. I wanted to believe a part of him still love me like I love him, although I knew it was a long shot. After the last night before I left I knew he'd have to be a fool to love me after the things I had said once he got home. I said so many nasty things, I wish I could take them all back, but I couldn't.

She lead me to the couch and we both sat down, facing each other. "He's a liar, Katey. He misses you, I cannot believe he said he didn't. He's been a wreck, of course you shouldn't feel bad over that." She patted my hand, "But I didn't come here to talk about all this. I really want you to come back, I'm not trying to make you stay in London, but I think Connor needs to see you in person, needs to remember you."

"I'm sorry, but he's not my problem anymore. If he misses me, he knows where to find me."

A/N: So guys, what did you think? I'd appreciate comments and votes. I'm so glad I started this story up again. I've got some great ideas you might hate me for. I'll try to update later this weekend. Thanks for reading!

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