꧁ chapter I ꧂

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the morning glow pierced it's way through my room, reaching each surface and glittering with anticipation of the dawn. a sliver of light fell just above me, glittering as i reached my arm up to collect the beams. it's always been a habit of mine; hardly a habit, more so a routine to touch the sun as it fell into my room. the light weaved around my fingers, bouncing off my bracelets and rings and hitting my hair as i sat up. wiping the sleep from my eyes, i tumble out of my sheets and make my way to my vanity, longing for just a bit more sleep. my body ached with every movement, sore from the weeks of rigorous training leading up to today. the day that would determine the rest of my life and that i had trained for since i could speak. today, i would be reaped. let it be by fate or by choice, i would be in the arena a week from today. i never wished to fight. i never wished to be born into the need to win. my whole family, all of district one, calls the reaping an honor. it's an honor to be chosen, it's an           honor to fight, and it's an honor to win. that's what we do; win.

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       "i don't understand you, juliette" my sisters voice rang out in response to my distaste with the games. glimmer had never understood me. i say it's because she doesn't have a mind of her own; she's a follower.
"all i mean is that i never wished to fight, everyone is innocent"
"that isn't the point."
"glim, i just don't want to fight-"
"god! grow up juliette! if father could hear-" i cut her off immediately, backing away from my chair and leaving my hardly touched plate. i could see the regret in her eyes as soon as she said it, but she knew not to talk about our father; not to talk about disappointing him.

"wait- jules" she started, pushing her chair back as she slowly stood. i shot her a look and she sat right back down. god, i couldn't stand her. glimmer with her flowing hair and her piercing eyes. glimmer with her heart shaped lips and her perfect indiscretion. glimmer the favorite; the oldest; the golden girl. only separated by a year in birth, but centuries apart as people. i could feel the anger nipping at the back of my throat and burning my nose as i held my composure up the stairs. i will not cry i told myself, i cannot cry. i hardly had a reason to cry, but none of that mattered. the tears fell. i am not a crier, my family doesn't believe in showing emotional weakness but i cried. my mind raced a million miles a minute, everything that had ever gone wrong came back. my back to my door, i slowly lowered myself to the ground. i had to be quiet, i couldn't risk being heard. i couldn't answer questions. i couldn't look my father in the eyes and tell him that i am crying because i am only sixteen. i am only sixteen and i have been trained, hardened, belittled, and beaten.

i am only sixteen and i can kill.

i must have fallen asleep for i woke up to the door behind me being rattled. i quickly tried to wipe the tears from my eyes, only finding that they had dried. "um- come in." i stammer, putting a few feet between me and the door. glimmers head of blonde peeks out from around the doorframe, her green eyes scanning my state on the floor. without saying a word, she walked to me, closing the door behind her and wrapping her arms around me. i tensed up but slowly started to melt into her hug. her soft hair and lavender perfume reminded me so much of my mother. i hugged her, choking back tears and apologies. she met my eyes with a look that told me i didn't have to explain myself; she understood. we sat there in silence, saying so much with so few words. she methodically rocked me back and forth while she messed with my unbrushed hair.
"jules," she began, cupping her hands on my cheek, "do you want me to help you get ready?"
i stole a glance at the clock on my nightstand.



the reaping began at 2:00.

i nodded with a bit of urgency and started to stand. i wobbled from being on the ground for so long and took glimmers hand. she sat me down in my vanity chair and began to brush my hair. her perfume wafted around as her soft hands brushed my neck; humming an old lullaby. i could've fallen asleep right then, the memory of my mother lulling me into a calm state.

glimmer was the splitting image of my mom. from her lips to her nose to her eyes, they could've been twins. i wish i could see my mother in myself, i only got her hair, physique, and fiery temper. "she was a character" my father said; and a character she was. we would dance around the living room and perform for the workers at the factory. she was a performer, and taught me all that i know. i hope that could remain useful.

with a spritz of perfume and some rouge on my lips and cheeks, i was ready to leave. glimmer had lent me her old dress; a sky blue skirt with a flowered bodice that went to my knees. this was a special occasion, the games were an honor.
an honor that i wanted no part in.

the ceremony began promptly at 2:00, with a flamboyantly dressed woman announcing her arrival.

"good afternoon district one! happy happy hunger games," she chirped, "now for a video from the capitol itself!"

the yearly video. i turn to glimmer, ready to recite our repeating joke. along with the video, we mouth the words with the funniest faces we can make. the lady dressed like a fruit bowl, who i came to learn was named nefera orchid (how fitting), clears her throat.

"hello district one!" the crowd around me erupted into cheers. i followed along, throwing my arms in the air along with my worries. i had been training for this my whole life.
"thank you for the warm welcome," nefera giggled, "now for the lucky tributes representing district 1 in the 74th annual hunger games"

the crowd around me held their breath in excitement and anticipation as nefera reached into the glass bowl.
"and the male tribute for district one is..."
"marvel sanford!"

marvels cheer was the first one i heard, he jumped around with his friends in excitement, shooting a look around confirming his place. there was an unspoken rule in the reaping. since volunteering was so common, you needed to make it everyone's business that you were going into the games. even if, like marvel, it meant constantly intimidating people he thought would try to volunteer over him. it wasn't enforced, but highly looked down on if you stole the place of the lucky soul being sent to die without having a good reason. when the noise died down, nefera reached back into the bowl.
"the female tribute for district one is..."

oh god.

i got the worst feeling in my stomach.
i glance at my dad standing off to the side, he meets my gaze with a stern look. i knew that look. he was telling me he could see my weakness and i needed to cut it out.

words failed.
things were blurry and i could only hear ringing.
i was going to fight one way or another, whether it be in the arena or with my father.
i was dead and gone in both scenarios.

"glimmer belcourt!"

nope nope nope.
without thinking i push my way out of the crowd

"i volunteer as tribute"

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