35. Up in Flames

319 16 27

Simone Hicks

"Simone..." Jordan cleared his throat as he stood in the door way of her hospital room. She briefly glanced at him, grabbing the remote to lower the volume on the tv.

"...Hey you" she slowly sat up in her bed. "Why are you standing so far away? You know you can come in, right?" she said, motioning for him to enter her space.

"Right..." Jordan stepped into her room. Silence fell amongst the former couple as they locked eyes with one another. "I know you and I are at odds right now. But I don't think I would ever forgive myself had anything happened to you...and our child" he stated and Simone nodded.


"Just...hear me out for one second" Jordan walked towards her bed. "I've been an ass to you lately and it's not what you deserve, Simone. I've been upset with myself and with how things ended up because of my mistake. And instead of addressing it, I took my frustrations out on you and that was wrong of me. I'm genuinely sorry for the pain I've caused you" his eyes searched for answers in hers.

 "Jordan...I love you" Simone's voice cracked.

"I love you too" he affirmed with sadness in his eyes. "...is this the part where you say 'but'?" he inquired and Simone nodded her head.

"I love you...but...I just don't see us working out after all that's happened" Simone closed her eyes so tears wouldn't escape them. "I don't trust you to be a good partner to me anymore, Jordan. I'd be doing myself a disservice if I stayed with you" she said and Jordan could feel a stabbing pain in his chest.

"Wow..." Jordan chucked in shock. "So...that's just it? What about our child, Simone?" he questioned, eyebrows furrowed.

"Jordan...we cannot give our child the dynamic he/she deserves if we're at odds with one another. Co-parenting is the best option for what we have going on right now" Simone stated and Jordan instantly disagreed.

"I don't want that, Simone. And I know you don't either" Jordan's frown deepened.

"Well what else did you expect for me to do? Just come running back to you as if everything is fine between us?" her forehead creased and he shook his head 'no'. "Then tell me what is it that you were expecting from me, Jordan?" she questioned, her voice slightly raised.

"To not give up on me...or us" sadness clouded Jordan's features.

"Jordan, you already did t-"

"Goddamn it, Simone!" Jordan kicked the chair that was behind him. "Fuck!" he yelled out loud, causing Simone's heart to race.

"Jordan just relax, please" Simone begged. "The last thing you need is to get kicked out of a hospital" she stated.

"Ms. Hicks, are you okay?" one of the nurses inquired as she stood at the entrance of Simone's room.

"Everything is good" Simone stated, nodding her head.

"What's goin' on up in here?" Spencer questioned as he and Darius entered the room. "Jordan..." he glared at his brother in law, clenching his jaw.

"I was just leaving" Jordan cleared his throat. "I'm sorry..." he glanced at Simone before exiting the room.

"What was that about?" Spencer inquired after Jordan left the room.

"Jordan's just...doing the most. I don't even know how we got to this point, Spencer" Simone's eyes filled with tears.

"...I don't understand it either. You can be upset about it, but don't let it dwell on you. You now have a responsibility and that is to take care of yourself as you go through your journey with pregnancy" Spencer began, watching as Simone wiped her tears. "And I hope J is can get his shit together...so that the both of you are able to give your child the love it deserves" he continued.

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