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she never seemed to learn that she was in fact a lightweight. Gravel crunched beneath her and Eve as they made their way to Eve's Jeep after leaving the venue. She was grateful Adam had let Eve go when he did because she was sure to have slammed another couple drinks and likely fallen at some point of the night on the way home, or worse, embarrass both herself and Aron in front of his band mates.

The bright white of her phone illuminated her face as she walked, trying her best in her dizzied state to text and walk simultaneously whilst very tipsy. Her ears were still ringing from the show, and the world was starting to shift and spin slightly.

"Did you hear anything from Aron?"

"Yeah! I guess him and the rest of the band just got to their hotel. He asked if we wanted to meet up and have 'a pint'" she imitated his Welsh accent, hiccuping before giggling with Eve at her terrible impression of her cousin.


11:32: send ovr the addyyy

11:33: the fuckin what?

11:33: adress dumby

Sober Freya would be absolutely shitting her pants right now at the thought of being in the same room as Sleep Token. The anxiety would swallow her whole and she'd be nothing but a fly on the wall throughout the entirety of them getting together, clinging to Eve or Aron's side for dear life. She was partially grateful for the liquor flowing through her veins to give her some liquid courage to be social tonight.

She did, however, feel a twinge of that anxiety as they approached the door with a gold "22" on the front of it. It sobered her up the babiest bit after she let her knuckles rasp onto the door three times and heard the laughter on the other side halt. There was a shuffling on the other side before a very excited Aron swung it open.

"Hey! Party time!" He stepped away from the door and motioned for them to come in. Freya felt all her senses tingle with the many sounds and sights of the room. A combination of herbs and alcohol had hit her immediately. Her eyes darted around the room, it wasn't anything special or different — aside from the three men sat around a small table with a bottle of Jameson in the center. Aron shut the door behind them and began to proud gesture to each of the three men.

The first was a tall blonde with a thick brown mustache. His blue eyes were glassed over with intoxication as they bounced between the two ladies that had just arrived. He was trying his hardest in his mental fog to crack the code of which beautiful woman that stood before him was the beloved Freya, who's name he'd managed to rattle from Camren when Aron had momentarily left to meet them at the bar.

"That's Liam."

"Cheers," his accent was extremely thick. Freya had to admit it was adorable paired with the slight slur of his words, and with the wide grin and wave he sent.

"That's Desmond." He gave a smile that was warm and inviting unlike the rest of his body language. His legs spread, he had his hands on his knees. Based off his smile alone, Freya was quick to recognize him as Vessel. His gaze was intense, Freya was only able to meet it momentarily before he zeroed in on Eve.

"It's a pleasure," he stated, blue eyes staring at Eve. He had a proper English accent, and a very deep voice. Freya felt a chill go down her back, caught of guard by the gravely tone.

"That's Camren." A shy smile and small wave greeted both girls. Freya caught herself observing him more carefully than the rest. His hair was shorter than the rest but still a similar color palette of light blonde. He had a stubble of facial hair that shaped a goatee and a soft, friendly smile.

"Hey guys! It's really cool to meet all of you. I'm so interested in hearing what your first impression of America is," Freya had said, stepping out of her comfort zone.

"You're Aron's cousin?" Camren spoke up. She smiled wide, looking over to him and—

She wasn't sure if it was the liquor skewing things and amplifying her senses or if she was thoroughly and absolutely losing it. No, in that moment alone it felt as if every drop of liquor was syphoned from veins. Her heart beat quickened, and thundered into her eardrums. Hazel eyes met pale blue and she felt like she was being pulled into a whirlpool. Like the mystical waters of his eyes were pulling her in like a rip tide and wouldn't surrender her no matter how hard she swam.

That single moment felt like eternity to the blue haired girl. She blinked a few times, shaking her head slightly before turning to look at Aron. He shrugged loosely. It became apparent to Freya that he may be close to matching her previous level of intoxication. "I mean, I guess, yeah,"

Aron laughs, and Freya lets out a soft chuckle, still trying to make sense of the haze placed over her brain.

"And you hadn't met in person until tonight?" Liam added on, eyebrow raised in intrigue. Freya and Aron both shook their heads.

"Well bloody hell, let's celebrate!" Liam said excitedly, lifting his glass in the air. Liam was quick to pour out drinks for the newly arrived guests, eager to loosen up the entirety of the group.

Freya couldn't help but notice the intentional way Liam laid his fingers over hers as he passed her a drink. Or the way his eyes continually flickered to her in conversation even when she wasn't the one speaking. She chalked it up to a natural curiosity, she couldn't even argue her own over the set of men that seemingly packed the small hotel room.

She had even tried to convince herself she saw him doing the same to Eve, but it wouldn't be long before she'd realize she couldn't keep covering their truths with blind reasonings.

For the night had just begun.

For the night had just begun

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