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She blinked the world around her into focus with furrowed brows. She lifted her head to look around, momentarily confused about her surroundings until the realization hit that she was laid on her couch. Gleaming blue eyes met her gaze as she looked up.

"Good morning, darling." Liam smiled down to her. He appeared to have been awake for quite a while, no signs of sleep on his face nor in his voice. Her brows stayed furrowed as her brain worked through its fog. "Are you not happy to see me? I thought we had a lovely time yesterday."

"Did I fall asleep on you?" Her mind and mouth had finally matched up.

"Might've. Was the movie that boring? I mean you picked it so-" he's cut off by a slap to the chest from Freya. She sticks her tongue out at him teasingly.

"And to think I was about to apologize for falling asleep on you." She sits up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. "You could have woke me up so you could've left. I feel bad having trapped you here all night."

"I don't mind really. Kind of nice to wake up to your pretty face over the ugly assholes I normally do." Freya rolls her eyes but blushes regardless. She swings her legs over the side of the couch and grabs her phone from the table, texting Eve to ask about her date with Aron.

"What if you laid back down with me for just a few moments longer? I was comfy." Liam wraps his arms around her center before she can bring herself to stand. He buries his face into her shoulder, breathing in her musky vanilla scent. His heart begins to race at the smell of her.

"I've gotta take a shower, Liam. Unfortunately, I got quite a few errands to run today." He whines, woefully releasing her when she goes to stand the second time.

"Can I join?" He wiggles his eyebrows at her and sends her a wink. She chuckles and shakes her head, pausing a few steps away from the couch to text her father back. Liam stands and makes his way just behind her, his tall frame looming over her.

He shifts her hair over one shoulder, exposing her neck. "I promise to make it worth your while." He starts by gently kissing her shoulder, slowly making his way up her neck. His nose is pressed to her pulse point and he pulls in a deep breath, letting out a hum of pleasure.

Freya's resolve is so close to crumbling, her body already leaning into his heat behind her. Her eyes are fluttered close, gooseflesh raised all over her body. She feels his hot breath hit the side of her neck and she knows if she doesn't say no now, she'll have to think of some solid excuse for her father on why she's late.

"I-I-I can't." She says stepping forward and out of Liam's reach. Liam turns away from her, clearing his throat. "I would truthfully love for you to join me, but I can't be late."

"No, I uhm, I understand." He's still turned away from her. She takes notice of his body language and feels her heart sink in her chest. Fuck. I've done it again.

After taking another deep breath, Liam grabs his hoodie from the back of Freya's couch. "I should get going so you can get ready." He doesn't once look at her as he slips his hoodie on and heads for the door.

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