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phone in a bruising grip while the other tugged at blue locks. She knew Eve had times where she needed to isolate and be alone, and in typical fashion Eve had let her know prior to the episode but this one was far longer than usual. Freya's fingers burned from message after message she'd sent to Eve trying hard to reach her raven haired best friend. Something in her gut told her something was wrong. Something major happened to Eve and she was racked with worry about what it was and hoping it was something she could help remedy.

Camren and Aron sat on the couch in front of her - Aron sat completely still with his blue eyes locked onto his phone awaiting an answer from either Eve or the police he contacted, while Camren watched with concern as Freya's form moved back and forth in front of the tv. "Freya, why don't you sit down? I'm sure Aron will hear back shortly."

The look Freya shot Camren made him sink back into the couch a little further, turning his gaze away from hers momentarily. She felt a pang of guilt sucker punch her chest with his reaction but it was short lived when Aron's phone began to ring from his hand. He immediately accepted the call, his wide eyes settling as the muffled voice could be heard on the other side. Freya relaxed only slightly, standing practically on the tips of her toes as she stares at Aron. He mutters a "thank you" before hanging up the phone with a sigh of relief.

Aron quickly types away on his phone with a solemn look, his finger hovering over the send button. He looks up at Camren and then to Freya, blinking twice. "Aron?" He hums in her direction, looking between her and his phone. "What did they say you fucking dickb-"

"Whoa, okay darling. I know we're upset but-" Camren moved to ease the tension he can feel rising in Freya but quickly realizes it's doing the opposite. "God damnit Aron, what did they say?" He quickly pivots to Aron feeling the burning gaze of Freya into the side of his head.

"She's okay." As soon as the words leave his lips, Freya's phone lights up with a collage of photos of her and Eve. Her heart races at seeing Eve's name light up her phone. She practically sprints to the other room, tears welling in her eyes.

"Evelina!?" She practically shrieks into the phone. "You had me worried sick. What's wrong? What happened? Whose ass am I kicking? If it's Aron's, say less. That bitch is just in the other room a-"

"I'm okay. I'm fine, I just.. I needed some time. The depression is hitting hard again is all. I don't feel like me and just need some time alone." Freya still had this nagging feeling eating at her chest. She knew these spells weren't uncommon, and usually it was just a case of depression for Eve. But something still just felt.. off.

"I love you. And I understand, please just.. check in with me? I get so worried sick about you." Freya said, picking at the skin on her bottom lip. A tear rolled down her cheek as she listened to her best friend reassure her. She felt like shit for it, having her best friend reassure her when it was Eve who was struggling right now. "I'll still give you more time but, can I come see you soon?"

Eve chuckled at this, and Freya could picture the playful eye roll that came with her next words. "Of course, Frey. I love you."

The pair said their goodbyes and Freya wandered back to the living room with tears still occasionally slipping down her cheeks. God, she felt like all she did was cry lately. Which only frustrated her into more tears.

Camren slowly stood from the couch as she reentered the room, his brows pinching together in worry. She waves a hand at him, laughing with a sob. "I'm fine. I'm just thankful she's okay. But please don't look at me like that, I'll keep fucking crying." Camren offers a small smile.

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