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She supposed it had to do with all of the chaos of the night distracting her. But boy was she excited when Liam announced he'd be stepping out onto the hotel balcony for a smoke. Leaping to her feet and prancing to the glass sliding door that leads outside.

"Count me in!" She called, Liam had a grip on the door handle paired with a cheeky drunken grin down to the girl. His tall frame made her look tiny. In fact, the lot of the men did really. It wasn't a feeling she was used to, and especially standing next to the giant that was Liam had her swooning for him even further.

"Yeah, me too." Camren also stood, making his way to follow. He didn't miss the unamused look from his friend as he passed him following Freya out the door.

The night air was cool with a gentle breeze blowing Freya's blue hair around slightly. The city lights burned bright beneath them, casting a soft glow along her face as she leant against the cool metal of the railing. Liam pulled out his pack, popping the first between his own lips before offering one each to Camren and Freya. He lit his own before passing the lighter to Camren.

He didn't miss the pout that came across her face at his motion of offering Camren the light first.

"Here." He said, bending down just in front of her face with his lit cigarette pressing it to the end of hers that was between her own plump lips. She inhaled hard, watching the cherry of his own cigarette light hers. She pulled away, maintaining eye contact with the blonde as she blew the puff of smoke towards the city.

"Thanks." she said, a sultry undertone to her voice. He winked at her, taking another drag of his own cigarette. "So boys, what's your favorite part of America thus far?"

Both men ran their eyes up and down her figure, offering up shrugs in response.

"Hard to tell yet, if I'm honest." Camren said. "Maybe you could sh-"

"I'm looking at it." Liam interjected. Freya turned to him with raised brows, mouth slightly agape. She couldn't fight the heat that pooled in the apples of her cheeks. She flashed a glance to Camren who stood rigid leaning against the railing just behind his friend. He'd turned away from the pair now, choosing to keep his focus pinned outwards instead with a clenched jaw.

Was he... jealous? No, he couldn't be. He was probably just irritated with Liam's antics. This had to be a common theme for him.

"Oh." She mumbled out, blinking a few times. She chuckled, shaking her head and nervously taking another pull from the cigarette herself. The heat from her cheeks spread throughout her body, causing a chill to run down her body. She could still feel Liam's eyes pressing into the side of her head, observing her with hungry eyes.

"You cold, darling?" Her mind was reeling at this point, frantically bouncing back and forth trying to connect and then disconnect thoughts as best as she logically could under her influence. Her mind was already spinning and her thoughts going into overdrive did not help her one single bit.

"Yeah, it is a bit chilly out." The air outside felt like it was closing in on her, thickening into liquid and pooling into the bottom of her lungs. Her stomach lurched, she had to go .

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